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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2005/10/05
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting   --  October 5, 2005 10:30 a.m.

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Pete Bleyler, Pete MacDonald, Marya Klee, Simon Carr.
Apologies:      Cynthia Bognolo, Al Pryor.

1.      Operation:
a.      Scrap Metal: The 50yd container should be replaced by a 30yd one this week.
b.      Fiber:  Steve had investigated the possibility of a second fiber bin but had not received a definitive answer from NRRA.  He will pursue this.
c.      Bags:
i.      Pete Bleyler had re-ordered the small bags.  The minimum order was now 25,000.
ii.     We had received some complaints about the large, 33-gal bags not fitting trash cans, without having to tear the handles apart.  We will consider whether the next order for large bags should be of the conventional type with separate ties.  We had also received complaints about the strength of bags.  It was considered that these were unjustified.  Pete Bleyler will verify the plastic thickness for future information.
d.      Safety:
i.      Three sets of steps were now on order and should be delivered within three weeks.  These will be galvanized, but otherwise as previously spec’d.
ii.     We are still awaiting the safety report.
e.      Suggestion from Matt Stevens:  We had received a letter from Matt Stevens regarding operation methods.  It was agreed to invite him to attend a meeting to discuss this.
f.      The traffic counter for the last two Sundays had recorded flows of 358 and 381.  This compared to 440 for an equivalent Sunday in 2004.
g.      Cleanup operations and other non-profits:  The Selectboard had agreed that they would issue green bags for appropriate clean-up operations.
i.        There would be no general amnesty for tires under such operations, but the conservation commission would be responsible for tires specifically collected under the auspices of green-up day.  These would be accepted under the supervision of the conservation commission.
ii.     We needed to have details of the amount collected by the specific operation.
iii.    Bargain Barn: Darlene will be talking to the Selectboard shortly regarding their summer’s operation.
iv.     Library: There were two separate issues as library discards are no longer going in to the Friends’ sale, but are being disposed separately.  There was some possibility that the residue of the Friends’ sale might be passed to the Five Colleges book sale.

2.      Development:
a.      Compactor:  Pete Bleyler is pursuing possible alternative prices. The budget committee had set a schedule for obtaining budgets from department heads.  We would need to have a price within the next 2-3 weeks.
b.       Pole Barn: we should submit prices to include for this to the budget committee.
c.      Old Highway Garage:  There appears to be an issue with the original purchaser of the old garage.  The Selectboard was proposing to repay the purchase price and undertake the demolition/removal of the building directly.  Simon suggested that it was possibly more economic to retain the building and utilize it for the compactor and dry storage.  He undertook to develop a proposal to be circulated to the committee.

3.      Beautification:
a.      Pete Bleyler was concerned about the transparency of the wind-screening.  This is 70% opaque.  There is an alternative closed mesh PVC with 95% opacity.  A 120ft by 6ft roll of this would be $417.00 plus delivery.  Pete Bleyler asked Simon to compare this with the material being used by the contractors for Thayer school construction site.  There was some concern about the strength of this in high wind.
b.      Pete MacDonald had talked to Elmer Brown for suggestions of suitable planting.  Elmer had suggested white pines at approx. 15ft. spacing.  Steve had also talked with Judy Thrasher who was also going to talk to Elmer Brown.  It is now too late to plant, so we shall defer this to the spring.

4.      Publicity: New Flyer: Pete Bleyler had both produced and distributed this.

5.      Next meeting: The next meeting will be Wednesday October 19th 2005 10.30 a.m. at Lyme Center Academy