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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2005/07/20
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting   --  July 20th, 2005 10:30 a.m.

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Pete Bleyler, Pete MacDonald, Cynthia Bognolo, Simon Carr.
Apologies:      Al Pryor, Marya Klee.

1.      Operation:
a.      Propane Tanks & Fire Extinguishers:  Steve has now disposed of all the outstanding propane tanks via Canaan.  Our tanks aided them to complete their 100-up program with NRRA.
b.      The existing fridge units will be de-Freoned on Thursday.  We understand that once this is carried out and we have the appropriate sticker on them then they can be thrown as scrap metal.
c.      Staffing:
i.      Bonnie Delphia will be starting July 31st.  She will be working approximately three Sundays out of four as she has other work once a month.  Bonnie will cover Metal and C&D, Jed will cover fiber, with Al supervising them both.
ii.     Policy: there was concern about materials being removed to the extent that the town is losing revenue.  To resolve this problem, Pete Bleyler will produce a policy document setting out the requirements.
d.      There is still a possibility of further civil disobedience and we did need some police presence on Sundays.  Pete MacDonald complimented Pete Bleyler on his excellent follow-up letter to the Valley news.

2.      NRRA report:
a.      There is a new program for recycling cell-phones.  Steve has taken a receiving container and placed it with Mascoma Savings Bank.  This is a free program, which may generate some future revenue.  It also keeps the heavy metals from the phones out of landfill.
b.      The next meeting will be at Moultonborough.

3.      Costs and Tonnage:
a.      MSW.  Comparison of average tonnage since the switch to Whitcher and PPT
i.      27 weeks till end of May:        10.3 tons/week  
ii.     Eight weeks to the implementation of PPT        13.3 tons/week
iii.    Since PPT       6.1 tons/week
iv.     C&D had been hauled once/month for the period Dec-May, but we had then had three hauls of an average 4.5 tons prior to PPT.
b.      Comparison of current and 2004 costs:
                Income          Expenditure     Net
        2004    $3700   $103,000        $99,300 
        2005(Est)       $45,000 $91,000 $46,000
        NRRA Net Income (including haul costs and
        container rental on recyclables
        October 2004 to May 2005                        $852
c.      Budget Committee: We need to prepare initial costs for the joint Selectboard/Budget Committee meeting of August 3rd. Pete Bleyler had prepared a summary for this meeting of our proposals.  
i.      Compactor.  Simon will progress this with Chris Whitcher and check the likely number of hauls.  
ii.     Beautification.  Cynthia will investigate possibilities and costs of planting and fence screening.
4.      Next meeting:  The next meeting will be Wednesday August 3rd 2005 10.30 a.m. at Lyme Center Academy