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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2005/07/06
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting   --  July 6th, 2005 10:30 a.m.

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Pete Bleyler Cynthia Bognolo, Simon Carr.
Apologies:      Al Pryor, Marya Klee, Pete MacDonald.

1.      Operation:
a.      Initial Effects of Changeover:  We had several people turn up the first week without bags; with one exception, these people went and purchased bags. The exception abandoned their bags in the parking area.  The second week, one person dumped trash in the packer, retaining the bag.  This is ‘theft of services’.  Chief Field has both these cases in hand.  The MSW was down to 4 tons from an average of 10tons the first week and then up to approx. 5 tons the second.  Fiber and commingled containers were noticeably fuller.
b.      Staffing: We need to have three operators for the time that the transfer station is open; this also relies on the packer operator providing a measure of policing to the throwing of bags.  Currently we are covering this by committee members volunteering their time.  However, we need an additional operator.  Steve will investigate whether Bonnie Adelphia would do this; if so Pete would propose this to the Selectboard.
c.      Gaylords:  Steve will arrange for six gaylords to be picked up next week, when he goes to NRRA.  This will give us better overflow capability.
d.      Propane Tanks & Fire Extinguishers:  The extinguishers can be cut in half and disposed of in the scrap metal.  Steve will take those propane tanks that are eligible to Gorham, NH.  He will check how many ineligible tanks we have and we will review the possible options for disposing of those.
e.      Fluorescent tubes:  NRRA has a program to dispose of these.  We will keep it in mind until our other issues have settled down.
f.      Old Garage: Although this has now been fenced off, it is not clear when it will be removed.
g.      Styrofoam:  It appears unreasonable to ask the public to pay to throw large Styrofoam forms which weigh virtually nothing and which crush down into a very small volume.  It was agreed that we would propose to the Selectboard to make the change that “large Styrofoam forms” could be thrown in the packer for free.  Small peanuts should still be thrown in the trash bags.  Small peanuts can also be given to the post office for re-cycling packing.  We should publicize this on the Listserver and in the Church newsletter.

2.      Future Plans:
a.      Fencing and Beautification:  Now that we have the fundamentals in operation we should be considering how we can make the transfer station more attractive.  Two initial items are to clad the chain-link at the High Street end with green plastic netting, similar to tennis court mesh and to consider planting along the front boundary.  There are a number of white pines already planted there, but it was felt that we needed something that grew faster.
b.      Costs for Budget Committee: We need to prepare initial costs for the Budget Committee meeting of August 3rd.  The cost items for next year are:
i.      Compactor.  We have asked Chris Whitcher for a cost on this.  
ii.     Compactor Operator.  This will be required as we will no longer have a packer operator.  However, as a compactor container will only require hauling every 3-4 weeks, we will be making an operational saving.
iii.    Pole Barn.  
iv.     Second Opening Day.
3.      Next meeting:  The next meeting will be Wednesday July 20th 2005 10.30 a.m. at Lyme Center Academy