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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2005/05/09
Lyme Communications Study Committee
Minutes, May 9, 2005

Present: David Avery, George Hartmann, John Sanders, Pauline Field, Wally Ragan, Pete Bleyler

Absent: Mike Prince, Michael Hinsley

1.      John Sanders agreed to take over as Chairman, replacing David Avery.  David Avery agreed to take over as Secretary, replacing George Hartmann.

2.      The Committee reviewed the Committee’s October 12, 2004 report to the Select Board.  Pete agreed to discuss with the Select Board the first two recommendations in the report, namely: 1) designate a member of the Select Board to act as the lead contact for technology issues and publish this on the town website; and 2) Treating communication equipment as an amortizable capital expense with a line item entry for communication technology cutting across departments.

3.      The Committee agreed that, going forward, the primary areas of interest will be Cellular and Broadband services to Lyme and its residents.

4.      We will attempt to hold a meeting with representatives from Thetford, Orford, and Fairlee, to discuss technology issues that could be beneficial to all four towns.  Wally Ragan has already had some conversation with the Thetford Fire Department, and John Sanders has had a conversation along the same lines with Orford.

5.      John will email the committee members with suggested meeting days and times.  In addition to holding a meeting with the other three towns, the committee may meet monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly, depending on the level of activity.

Pete Bleyler
Recorder (acting)