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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2005/03/16
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting   --  March 16, 2005 11:00 a.m.

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Pete Bleyler, Simon Carr, Marya Klee, Cynthia Bagnolo, Al Pryor.

1.      Town Meeting:  Pete congratulated the committee on getting the proposal passed; we now had to implement it.

2.      Implementation:  We are planning for implementation, ideally, by the beginning of June and, absolutely, no later than the first weekend in July.  All the changes will be implemented in one go.  The issues to be addressed are:

a.      Brochure:  We will not issue new guidelines until the changeover.  Pete will prepare a new draft.
b.      Pole Barn/Fencing: The possibility of the committee project-managing erection of fencing and construction of the pole barn was discussed, but was felt to be impracticable.  Steve will talk with possible contractors to get prices.  It was uncertain whether we would be able to get fixed prices or would have to negotiate time and materials prices.  Simon will prepare dimensioned drawings for Steve’s use in talking to contractors.
c.      Bags:  Following the question raised at Town Meeting, Pete had discussed the possibility of bio-degradable bags with the suppliers. These only bio-degrade if within 3-6” of the surface, which is not practicable for landfill purposes.
Ann and George Hartmann had provided a sample of a paper bag, as an alternative to plastic bags.  It was felt that this would not be a satisfactory alternative for throwing in a packer, although it was noted that these were from renewable sources, unlike plastic.
Pete will continue to discuss design and wording of the bag printing and wrapper with the supplier.  Lead time is two months so we need to get these approved and under way as quickly as possible.
We have to find a suitable secure storage location for the bags as we cannot expect Nichols/LCS to store a large supply and the bags have a significant value.
d.      Publicity:  We have to get information out to the town in plenty of time, using the list-server, town web site, church newsletter and a direct mail shot to all residents.  We have to include information on the operation when MSW is handled by a contractor or a condominium.  We will also plan on leafleting at the transfer station on the Sundays leading up to the switch.
e.      Notices:  Al will contact NH the Beautiful to start organizing signs.  We currently have a credit wioth them that should cover most of those we need.
f.      Coupons:  Any MSW items other than bags will have to be stacked by the C&D container for loading into the packer at the end of a session.  Al will take coupons for these according to the scale determined.  The coupons will need to be destroyed or the coupon sheet punched.  We still need to prepare a suitable design for coupons.  Rather than selling these in the Town Offices, we will ask Nichols/LCS to sell these as well as the bags.
g.      Start-up Procedures: we will arrange for the police to be on site for the first weeks of the changeover.

3.      NRRA:  Simon had attended the monthly NRRA meeting.  They congratulated us on getting pay-per-throw passed at the first attempt.
a.      Certification: Don Maurer of NH DES had attended to clarify the regulations regarding operators’ certification.  Any operator HAS to be certified and the chief operator has to be certified to Level 3 or 4 depending on throughput.
b.      Textile re-cycling: There are several textile re-cycling programs in operation, including one at Littleton, which consolidates from Lisbon/Lyman and Franconia transfer stations as well.  The April speaker is scheduled to be Marcy Schepkar of Pear Tree Studio, Harrisville NH, who runs a sheltered workshop recycling fabrics.

4.      Operation:
a.      Fiber dumpster:  The steps had been destroyed by the delivery driver, but Al and Jed had rebuilt it, last week.
b.      Whitcher:  Chris had been expecting us to go to a compactor as part of pay-per-throw.  This is not practicable this year.  However, we should go up to Warren and discuss the situation with him and also agree a contract.  We will need to emphasize to him the necessity for only taking Lyme bags in the packer.
c.      Certification: Jed must attend a training course to be certified at Level 1, which would permit him to work under the supervision of Al, who has level 3/4.  If Al is not on-site then we have to have an alternative, which could possibly be Chris Witcher.
d.      Textile re-cycling: along with the programs from NRRA and the Lutheran Church of Hanover, which runs a recycled quilt workshop, there should be possibilities for recycling the Rummage Sale and Bargain Barn fabrics without the need for adding them to the MSW.

5.      Next meeting:  The next meeting will be Wednesday April 6th 2005 10.30 a.m. at Lyme Center Academy