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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2005/03/03
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting   --  March 3, 2005 10:30 a.m.

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Pete Bleyler, Simon Carr, Marya Klee.
Apologies:      Cynthia Bagnolo, Al Pryor.

1.      Little Town Meeting: The various issues raised at the Little Town Meeting were discussed and options for town meeting were discussed:
a.      Pete reported that the Selectboard had discussed the issue of extra trash from large families. They felt that this  was one of the decisions of having a large family.  The committee agreed; therefore it was not an issue that needed addressing, but we did need to address the issue for low-income families.
b.      Farm waste: the plastic wrapping from hay bales has always been permitted in the C&D/packer.  However, it would now be chargeable.  There should be some concession for farmers throwing this.
c.      Pete produced a simple summary showing that the combined cost of pay-per-throw and the reduced property tax was lower than the property tax was otherwise.
d.      Steve will present the proposal.   Questions will be fielded by whichever committee member was most appropriate.
e.      There had been some questions over what could be recycled.   Marya will prepare new draft guidelines, summarizing the permissible items and including the suggested charges.  This will be available at Town Meeting.
f.      What happens if the warrant is defeated?  The Selectboard still has the authority to impose other charges, although it would be difficult to stop people throwing C&D in the packer.
g.      Simon had done a brief presentation to Those Guys.  The pay-per-throw concept had been received very positively.

2.      Operation:
a.      Elise Garrity had raised concerns about the danger of glass breaking and hitting people.  The committee were also extremely concerned about this.  As we have a 30 cu.yd. container in Whitcher’s pool, we should arrange to get this in place, instead of the current 20 cu.yd. one.  This would mean that there was much less risk of broken glass bouncing out.  We are also losing out in having more hauls than necessary.  Steve was asked to instruct Al to arrange for the containers to be switched.
b.      There was also concern about young children running about.  The handout should include a warning that the transfer station is not a safe area for children.
c.      Compactor: Steve and Chris Whitcher had had a brief discussion about plans for a compactor, which Whitcher is keen to see implemented.  This would be difficult with our current plans for a pole barn.  Once Town Meeting was over we should arrange a meeting to talk with him.

3.      Next meeting:  The next meeting will be Wednesday March16th 2005 10.30 a.m. at Lyme Center Academy