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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2005/01/19
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting   --  January 19, 2005 10:30 a.m.

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Pete Bleyler, Simon Carr, Cynthia Bagnolo.
Apologies:      Al Pryor, Marya Klee.

1.      Outstanding Contracts: Cynthia was concerned that Carole Bont thought we still had a contract for some waste disposal with Lebanon.  It was thought this might refer to hazardous waste but we should verify this.

2.      Budget for Enclosure/Pole Barn: Pete had talked with the Budget committee regarding our proposal for funding.  There are sufficient funds to cover the $25,000 that we had asked for.  Simon was not confident that we could construct the complete pole barn.  However, if necessary, we could construct the fencing enclosure immediately and develop the necessary engineering drawings for the pole barn.

3.      Funding:  there was concern with the fact that we were proposing to generate funds for the budget, but that we were not able to utilize any of these funds to provide for our program, neither in extended opening hours nor in having sufficient staffing to police our proposed pay-per-throw system.  The first public meeting of the budget committee and we should ensure as good a turnout as possible.  However, it is likely that we should raise the issue of income and expenditure privately first.

4.      NRRA:
a.      The January meeting was cancelled due to weather.  
b.      Pete had received the 2004 report and passed this on for other members.

5.      Pay-per-throw:
a.      Pete had talked with Liz Bedard and received information on pre-printed bags, including a pre-printed sample from Lancaster.  The majority of other towns ran a dual bag size of 33 and 15 gals, although there were also bag mixes of 33, 20 and 13 gals.  He also had information on suppliers.
b.      We need to clarify the accounting system for bags distributed by Nichols’ and the Country Store.
c.      Steve had started looking at the various charges and would prepare a list for the next meeting.  It was agreed that we should emphasize that scrap metal was a recyclable and not charged.  Also that, although we would sell coupons of different values for C&D and other pay-per-throw items, there would have to be some flexibility in assessing volumes of materials thrown.

6.      Open Meeting:  
a.      NRRA has a table display showing recycling principles which they will provide for us in time for the meeting.
b.      Our pitch for the meeting should be Equable, Economic, Environmental. Pete will tackle Economic and Simon Environmental.  
c.      It would be desirable to see if we could get Tony Ilacqua of Littleton to talk to the meeting.

7.      Next meetings:  The next meeting will be Wednesday February 9th 2005 10.30 a.m. at Lyme Center Academy.  The Open meeting will be  Wednesday 16th February 7.30 p.m. at the Town offices.