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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2004/09/15 & 22
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meetings   --  September 15, 2004 10:30 a.m. and September 22, 2004 10:30 a.m.

September 15    In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Pete Bleyler, Marya Klee, Cynthia Bagnolo, Al Pryor, Pete MacDonald.
        Apologies:      Simon Carr
Setember 22     In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Simon Carr, Marya Klee, Al Pryor, Pete MacDonald.
Apologies:      Cynthia Bognolo, Peter Bleyler

1.      We have authority to purchase two containers – a 30cu.yd. for glass and a 40cu.yd. for C&D.  Steve will put these in hand immediately.  The next meeting of New Hampshire the Beautiful is not until late October.  If the grant from them comes through then we should be able to purchase the second C&D container.

2.      Operation:
a.      Al has now been shown the operation of the loader and is able to pack down fiber.
b.      MSW:  
i.      We have had an estimate from Whitcher of Warren, NH.  They will haul to Unity NH for $85/ton + $100 truck fee.
ii.     Casella will haul for $68/ton + $382 truck fee.  This offer would be for Saturday pickup and would be for one year.  It must be taken up by October 13.  Steve will confirm whether it is also applicable to Sunday pickup
On this basis, it would be more economic to use Whitcher.  We will arrange to visit them to confirm that they would be able to work satisfactorily and to check on their availability/prices to haul the C&D and glass containers.
c.      Al has contacted other haulers, but has not yet found anyone suitable.
d.      Any contract that we undertake with Mount Carberry landfill should be organized through NRRA, as we will get a better rate under their umbrella.
e.      Sunday, October 19 Steve, Pete MacDonald and Marya covered the mixed fiber bin, issuing a handout detailing what can and cannot go in the container and instructing users.
f.      We shall require additional personnel if we implement pay-per-bag as we shall require close monitoring of the packer.  

3.      Pete Bleyler reported that the Selectboard agrees to more and better policing of the Transfer Station operation and that the Board is on board for pay-per-bag.

4.      Surrounding Towns’ Methods: Marya is combining this into spreadsheets and is also planning a draft “fill in the blanks” narrative of our goals.

5.      Pete MacDonald reported on the monthly NRRA meeting.  One principle point is that recycling takes material out of the MSW stream that ends up in landfill; any decrease in this stream is a major environmental benefit.

6.      We now have the schedule from the budget committee:

a.      October 22      Budget sheets/worksheets due
b.      November 03     Department heads budget request
c.      December 27     Annual Reports due
There was some concern that, if we were to develop a full-blown transfer station, we should be able to determine that our income was being dedicated to building up a reserve.  Other towns had achieved this by the use of an Enterprise fund.  Steve said that we should be able to achieve this with a Capital Reserve fund.

7.      Next meeting:  10:30 a.m. Thursday 30th September.