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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2004/06/24
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee   --  June 24, 2004 4.45p.m.

In Attendance:          Steve Maddock, Simon Carr, Peter Bleyler, Marya Klee, Al Pryor, Pete MacDonald.  
Apologies:      Cynthia Bognolo

1.      Pete Bleyler suggested that we should prepare a notice for the public regarding the planned changeover from Northeast to NRRA.  This should introduce the initial changes we are making in moving to NRRA andexplain why we’re  consolidating all paper and cardboard into one single container and all the containers (plastic, aluminum and tins) into another single container.  Marya agreed to write this.  It should be submitted to the Selectboard for approval and then distributed at the transfer station.
2.      The Selectboard had delayed the changeover by agreeing with Northeast to extend our current contract by 90 days.  This was in order for us to resolve the outstanding issues regarding C&D waste, glass and MSW (trash).   
a.      In writing to Northeast regarding this extension, Carole Bont had suggested that we could be using the proposed consolidation of all fibres into one container.  We were awaiting a response from Northeast.  
b.      Steve was discussing the outstanding issues with NRRA.
c.      Tires had now been switched to the NRRA recycler and we were waiting for his container to come in.
3.      Al had been in contact with Normandeau from Groveton.  This is a haulier for roll-offs, but does not handle MSW.  However, Normandeau felt that it might be possible to get a week’s volume into a 50 cu.yd. container, un-compacted.  We would need to verify this and also confirm the volume of the packers currently used as the reporting is at present by tonnage.  We needed to get alternative quotes from other hauliers with packers.
4.      Following our visits to the Franconia, Littleton and Lisbon transfer stations, it has been agreed that the path we should be following is to push for the implementation of a pay-per-bag system, by introducing a warrant article at the next town meeting.  Consequently it was agreed that the document which Pete had drafted regarding regulations for the use of the transfer station would not now be implemented.  
5.      Current use of the transfer station needs policing.   We should ask the Selectboard to make arrangements for this.   
6.      We should start investigating local towns to determine their MSW policies.  It was agreed that we would take responsibility as below:

7.      We need to follow up on possible locations for relocation.  These were:
Dave Mather’s site      It was noted that although he was not operating full-time, he had not found an alternative tenant for the building and it was possible that he might reconsider leasing to the town.
Land behind Green       Although we had not yet investigated the area it  
Mountain Studios        was felt that this might be a possible area.
Land opposite Tony’s    This is 4 acres on Route 10 at the north end of
Auto Body Shop  town, owned by Tony.   It is possible that he might  consider selling this.  George Hartmann has undertaken to discuss this with Tony and we will wait for George to report.
Church Woodlot  In view of the notice in the current Church News, Pete Bleyler had talked briefly to Garry Thrasher to investigate whether LCC would consider selling this to the town.
7.      Pete MacDonald produced a flier from Saratoga, NY.  This is also a pay-per-bag operation: $2/33 gal bag.  
8.      Next meeting:  5.00 Thursday 22nd July at Lyme Academy