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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2004/04/17 (With NRRA)
Notes on Transfer Station Committee Meeting with NRRA – Wednesday 14th April

Pete Bleyler, Steve Maddock, Marya Klee, Cynthia Bognolo and Simon Carr attended.

We attended the monthly meeting of the marketing committee of NRRA (Northeast Resource Recovery Association).

This comprised:
·       A report on the sales reports for different recyclables, including an analysis of different treatments of some of the materials.
·       A presentation on NRRA’s current pilot PGA (Pulverized Glass Aggregate) program.  Instead of sorting and re-cycling glass and ensuring that the glass is not contaminated by foreign/unsuitable materials, this program permits a town to combine all glass and ship to one of NRRA’s host sites.  The nett cost of handling glass under this program is approximately $22/ton as opposed to our current costs of approximately $142/ton
·       An open session, which enabled operators and managers of the different sites attending to discuss issues and alternative solutions to waste management.
·       A presentation from the NH DES Household Hazardous Waste Coordinator on disposal of HHW and options available from DES.

Our general feeling of this meeting was that it was very useful and that we could learn a lot from this group.

Subsequent to the meeting we had a separate meeting with Bonnie Koch and Gordon McCown of NRRA to discuss what we could do with them as an alternative to our current contract with NorthEastern.  

On a very quick analysis of our 2003 numbers, Gordon considered that in recycling paper & cardboard  we could be slightly in profit (as against our current costs of approx $6,000 p.a.)   We should also be able to show savings on most of our other recyclables.   Pete asked for a formal proposal from NRRA for all our recyclables.  Gordon will arrange for us to have this by Tuesday April 27, prior to the Selectboard’s scheduled meeting with NorthEastern.