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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2004/02/19
From: Simon Carr []
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 9:20 AM
To: 'Steve Maddock'; 'Al Pryor'; 'Allan B. Newton'; Elise Garrity;
'Ellen B. Barrett'; judy brotman; Laura Brannen; Marya Klee; 'Pete
Bleyler'; 'Richard G. Jones'
Subject: Meeting Minutes - Feb 19

Dear All,

Meeting Minutes for last Thursday as below.  I don't know whether anyone wants them as a separate Word attachment, if you do please let me know.

No meeting now until Thursday, March 25th (Unless Ellen arranges a meeting with Bonnie Koch)


Minutes of Transfer Station Committee   --  February 19, 2004 5.00p.m.

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Simon Carr, Ellen Barrett, Marya Klee, Pete Bleyler.

1.      Pete said that the Select board had moved all committee meetings
to the Academy.  Consequently we should meet there in future.

2.      Simon gave a report on the discussion he and Marya had had with
the Select board and with Dave Mather in respect of the Tuckaway Timber site.  Dave's other potential deal had fallen through just after Steve and Pete had left for a vacation.  Dave had therefore contacted Simon to see whether we were still interested in either purchase or a long-term lease.  As there was no possibility of arranging any such deal in time to present to Town Meeting this year, Simon and Marya had taken the problem to the Select board meeting on Feb 4th, which Lindy Mather also attended.  It was suggested that it would be possible to offer a one-year lease on the site and that funding for such a lease could come from a floor motion at Town Meeting. This would then give time for the proposal for a long-term lease to be prepared for Town Meeting 2005. This was discussed with Dave and Lindy Mather, but they were not prepared to accept only a one-year lease.  They also envisaged the building as more suitable for Town Offices, rather than a transfer station.

3.      The Highway Garage had been written up in the Connecticut Valley
Spectator this week, with a sidebar covering our work on the Transfer Station.

4.      We should now concentrate on what we should be providing at a
new transfer station.  Ellen will contact Bonnie Koch of NRRA and arrange for her to come and discuss switching our recycling to NRRA.  We should also start arranging visits to other transfer stations.

5.      We should update the operating costs to include 2003 figures.
Peter will arrange to get these.

6.      Next meeting:  Meetings have now been switched monthly on the
fourth Thursday of the month.  The next transfer station meeting will be 5.00 Thursday 25th March at Lyme Academy.