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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2004/01/22
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee   -- January 22, 2004 5.00p.m.

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Simon Carr, Ellen Barrett, Marya Klee, Pete Bleyler, Al Pryor, Laura Brannen.

1.      Pete said that the Selectboard had been approached by Dave Mather of Tuckaway Timber.  Dave is planning to re-locate his business and asked whether the town was interested in a long term (40 year) lease on his existing property on Pleasant Street.  He does not want to sell the property.
It comprises 5.3acres and an existing building, with 1.8 acres in the Lyme Common District and 3.3 acres in the Rural District.  There is a large building, built in 1996, which includes offices and warehouse space.  The assessment is:
        Land            $81,600 Tax paid        $2,030
        Building        $96,500 Tax paid        $2,400

2.      The committee was enthusiastic about the possibilities of this site. There was some discussion about the fact that this was a more visible location the Jenks’ pit.  It was felt that this would require landscaping and tree planting to accommodate this.  It was agreed that a site visit should be arranged as soon as possible.  Steve would contact Dave Mather and then email confirmation to committee members.  We also needed to get an idea of the likely cost of a lease.  In that respect, it was unfortunate that this had come up so close to Town meeting, that we were unlikely to get anything into this year’s budget.

3.      Al had spoken with the State co-ordinator.  He was unable to do anything until we had a suitable site.  At that time he will be happy to visit and assist in station layout.

4.      Laura gave a brief summary of the Energy committee and it’s meeting with the Garage committee. The Garage committee were now looking at heating methods and options to make the new building more energy-efficient.

5.      Next meeting:  The next transfer station meeting will be 2.00 Wednesday 28th January at Tuckaway Timber for all members who can make it and then 5.00 Thursday, February 19th at Town Offices.