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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2004/01/15
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee   -- January 15, 2004 5.00p.m.

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Simon Carr, Ellen Barrett, Marya Klee.  Apologies from Pete Bleyler, Al Pryor, Laura Brannen.

1.      The location of the proposed new building had been revised, such that it closely abuts the current transfer station location and is located as shown on the plans which we had been given.

2.      Steve had talked with Jimmy Jenks who did not want us to undertake any further appraisals.  Jimmy’s position was that the $460,000 of the existing appraisal was the sort of figure he was expecting.  It was unclear how much of any necessary reclamation work was included in this figure.  It was felt that this was too high and that we should widen our search for alternative sites.

3.      Steve had produced a committee report to be included in the Town report.  This was modified slightly to emphasize our need to search for a new location.

4.      Future Progress: it was hoped that Al would be available for the next meeting and that we would be able to schedule a presentation/instructional session.  However, it was noted that the State had laid off most of the recycling specialists.  We should also organize visits to the suggested transfer stations.

5.      Next meeting:  The next transfer station meetings will be 5.00 Thursday, January 22nd 2004 and then February 19th.  Subsequent to these meetings we would revise and publish the schedule.