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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2003/12/18
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee   -- December 18, 2003 5.00p.m.

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Pete Bleyler, Simon Carr.

1.      Peter Bleyler confirmed that the Selectboard had now extended the committee’s remit to continue until a new transfer station was in place.  The maximum size of the committee had also been increased to nine.

2.      Peter, Steve and Simon had all attended the Planning Board meeting on December 11th.  This was to investigate possible uses of the Jenks’s pit.  The consensus was that, under 4.11 of the Subdivision Ordinance, it would be possible to implement a subdivision road within the pit.   However, even with a subdivision within the area, it was still uncertain as to how many usable house lots might be created.   There were also concerns about the amount and cost of any necessary reclamation and the relationship of the pit to the Lyme Common aquifer.

3.      We should now talk to the two appraisers that had already been approached and arrange meetings to confirm what was required in preparing further assessments, but Jimmy and Patty Jenks needed to be notified before we undertook such meetings.

4.       Subsequent to getting the appraisals, we should talk to the State to investigate the water table.  

5.      It was noted that the most recent Garage Committee meeting minutes had referred to the possibility of retaining the old garage and there was concern as to the impact this would have on the transfer remaining on site for the time being

6.      Peter had approached Marya Klee about joining the committee and would now confirm this with her.  Other possible members were also discussed.
7.      Next meeting:  The next transfer station meeting will be 5.00 Thursday, January 8th 2004.