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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2003/10/09
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee   -- October 9, 2003 5p.m.

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Pete Bleyler, Ellen Barrett, Al Pryor, Pete MacDonald, Simon Carr

1.      Steve & Pete Bleyler reported on their meeting with Jimmy & Patty Jenks regarding their sand pit.  
a.      The Jenks’s are amenable to the sale or lease/purchase of the pit.  It was appraised by Bruce Taylor in Feb 2002.  That appraisal primarily considered it as ‘buildable house lots’; it being difficult to appraise it against other possibilities such as commercial use.  In effect, this is the highest possible appraisal and was for $460,000 for 9.6 acres.  The town assessment is $23,900
b.      If the town did not require the full extent, the Jenks would be amenable to a sub-division.  In the event of the town taking the site, Jimmy would undertake at least the preparatory site work.
c.      The town needs to have a separate appraisal undertaken.

2.      The alternative site, along Route 10 should also be investigated

3.      In view of the significant cost of both the town garage and a relocated transfer station, it is important that we hold a public meeting to present proposals, prior to the town meeting.  Such proposals should cover both the full option and a fall-back minimum option.

4.      Al is preparing a presentation of possible recycling options that we could be considering.

5.      Next meeting: Wednesday October 15nd  4.00p.m. at Firestation for both site visits. Note change of location & time.