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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2003/09/11
In Attendance:  Ellen Barrett, Laura Brannen, Simon Carr, Steve Maddock, Al Pryor, Peter Bleyler

Next meeting:  5:00pm, Thursday, September 18 at the town offices

§       The transfer station (TS) has never been legal because we don’t have permit – we don’t meet the requirements of permitting.  The TS it’s supposed to be fenced and have appropriate signage with posted hours – but we can’t do that without permit.

§       No room for both transfer station and town garage on same site but this needs to be confirmed.

§       It is not clear how this committee can move forward when we have no idea what the site will be.  This committee’s charge is very different if there is no site for the trash/recycling operations.   Is it this committee’s charge to find a site?  We need clarification from Selectboard and the Town Garage Committee.

Committee Objectives:  
·       develop plan that can be permitted
·       extended hours
·       continue with recycling
·       weather and safety related concerns
·       upgraded facility

March 9th – town meeting
November 3rd - Report to selectman on options

Site assessment:
·       Peter will ask Judy Brotman/Freda Swan to have someone from public works meet with us to discuss status
·       Issues to discuss
o       Jenk’s pit
o       What are the options for the current site?
o       What are the alternative sites?
·       Al – bring his plan to next meeting and compare to committee’s current plan.
·       Rod Finley did a design of transfer station for gravel pit --  Steve will try to find copy

Permitting Requirements:
·       Ellen – get copy of permit application file from town offices

Curbside Pick-up:
·       Doesn’t address C&D, tires, appliances
·       We should still assess curbside pick-up options in proposal

Other TO DO’s

Pete will ask Colin High, Pete MacDonald to join us

Pete will find out how many households in Lyme?

Laura to ask Dina for details of waste costs.