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Selectboard Minutes 2007/12/20
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes for December 20 2007

1.      The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen convened at 8:00 AM in the Fire Station training room.  The following attended the entire meeting: Simon Carr, Dick Jones, Charles Ragan, and Bookkeeper/Secretary Dina Cutting.  
2.      The following administrative matters were discussed and actions taken:
a.      The minutes for Session I of December 13 and for non-public Session I of December 3 were approved with minor amendments.  
b.      The Session II of December 13 and December 14 minutes were approved.
c.      The non-public sessions II, III and IV for December 13, December 14, Session I and II for December 19 minutes were approved.  
d.      The manifest was reviewed and signed.
e.      The Board agreed not to meet December 27: next Board meeting will be January 3, 2008.  Board members will be available to review and sign a manifest, December 27, should this be necessary.
f.      The septic waste disposal agreement with Town of Hanover was reviewed and signed.
3.      Lisa Cohen has resigned from the Recreation commission.  The Board approved the appointment of Robert Couture, to replace her until March 2008.
4.      Intent to Cut applications were signed for:
a.      Bruce McLaughry - Map 410 Lot 7.1
b.      William Hickey  - 26 Recordridge Lane, Map 403 Lot 53
c.      Charles Brenner - 78 N. Thetford Road,  Map 404 Lot 50
5.      Planning and Zoning:
a.      Simon will cover as Administrator for Friday December 21.
b.      Building permit 60-205 for a garage for John Skelly was renewed as permit 07-110.
6.      The Board authorized Carole (40 hours) and Dina (10 hours) to carry over excess leave through April 2008.
7.      The Board discussed the carryover of FY2007 funds and voted to carry over the following funds:
a.      Capital Reserve Funds
i.      Town Offices Building CRF       $19,824.32
ii.     Town Building Major Maintenance & Repair CRF    $7,469.94
iii.    Property Reappraisal    $8,710.70
b.      Special Warrant Article
i.      High Speed Communication (2006 and 2007 carryover)      $4,436.00       
c.      Operating Budget
i.      Master Plan     $21,175.87
Funds obligated to the State of New Hampshire and to the Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission for development of the master plan.
d.      Secondary Road Block Grant      $15,000.00
Work contracted for Baker Hill Road, which due to weather was not completed before the seasonal closing of the asphalt plant.
8.      The Board approved the engagement of bond counsel and signed the agreement.
9.      The State had inspected the highway garage boilers and had notified that they were not acceptable due to isolation valves in the vent lines.  Dina is getting a plumber to estimate for rectifying this.
10.     At 8:50 AM Dick moved and Simon seconded a motion to go into non-public session under the authority of RSA 91-A:3 II(a) – “The dismissal, promotion or compensation of any public employee” and RSA 91-A:3 II(b) – “the hiring of any person as a public employee”.  The motion carried by unanimous roll-call vote.  Simon Carr, Dick Jones, Charles Ragan and Dina Cutting attended the non-public session.    
11.     The Board returned to public session at 9:35 AM.  During the non-public session, the Board:
a.      Reviewed and approved the 2008 employment for the Chief of Police.
b.      Reviewed and approved the 2008 pay rates for town employees.
c.      Voted to offer the position of Planning and Zoning Administrator to Francesca Latawiec of Center Barnstead, NH.
12.     The meeting adjourned at 9:40 AM.  

Simon Carr