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Selectboard Minutes 2007/09/05
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes for September 5, 2007

1.      The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen convened at 8:00 AM in the Fire Station training room.  The following attended the entire meeting:  Administrative Assistant Carole Bont, Bookkeeper/Secretary Dina Cutting, Simon Carr, Dick Jones and Charles Ragan.  The following attended parts of the meeting: Police Chief Pauline Field, Town Clerk Patty Jenks, Zoning Administrator Vickie Davis, Assessing Assistant Elise Garrity and Dan Quinn.
2.      The following administrative matters were discussed and actions taken:
a.      The minutes for August 29, Parts I and II and September 02 were approved.
b.      The non-public minutes for September 02 were approved with minor amendments.
c.      The manifest was reviewed and signed.
d.      Two Yield Tax assessments arising from the April storm were individually reviewed.  The board voted to assess and abate, in full, the Yield Tax on:
Town of Lyme (Town Forest)      map 406 lot 30  value $1096.36
Ronald & Judith Evans   map 411 lot 7   value $170.88
e.      An Intent to Cut application for Fred Phillips, map 404, lot 1 was signed.
f.      Committee Memberships.  The Board voted to re-appoint the following committee members and to stagger their expiry dates, where appropriate:
Lyme History Committee          
Carola Lea                      to March 2010
        Sallie M. Ramsden               to March 2010
Independence Day Committee      
Dina D. H. Cutting              to March 2008
Robert N. Couture, Jr.          to March 2010
James B. Mayer                  to March 2010
Lyme Center Academy Building Committee
        Sallie M. Ramsden               to March 2010
        Christina M. Schonenberger      to March 2010
g.      Wavecomm’s application to install a wi-fi antenna on the fire station mast was approved and signed.
h.      Vickie had raised the issue of notifying ZBA hearings.  The Board unanimously agreed that charges should now be $30/hearing plus $4/abutters’ letter mailing.
i.      New full-time employees may purchase some health insurance benefits, at their own expense, during their probationary period.  Other benefits are currently excluded.  Dick proposed that, in adjusting the insurance contracts, new full-time employees may purchase all insurance benefits, at their own expense, during their probationary period.  Such benefits may be purchased from the first of the month following the start of their employment.  The board agreed unanimously.
j.      Post Pond and Chase Beach:
i.      The beaver dam was discussed.  Dick proposed that he take a proposal to the Conservation Commission’s next meeting that the “Castor Master” be lowered by approximately 6”. This was approved unanimously.
ii.     Dick and Simon had both talked with Peter Mulvihill regarding the ball field and the need for drainage improvements.   The Board discussed the issues and, without commitment, concurred in supporting the Recreation Commission to push for a line item in the budget for beach and field repairs/improvements.  Such improvements should be based on an engineering investigation.
The bye-law notices for boat launches had been put up and had engendered some issues at Post Pond.  Pauline has been issuing warnings to users leaving canoes overnight.  There was a preliminary discussion on possible solutions to accommodate boat users, especially those with land-locked properties on Post Pond.
k.      The maintenance contract for the fire station photocopier was reviewed and signed.
l.      The insurance claim for the grader accident was discussed.  Dick moved that the town not accept full responsibility for the accident and not accept full responsibility for the claim.  This was agreed unanimously.
m.      Frank Bowles had discussed the vault shelving with staff and had estimated materials for this at approx $630.  It was agreed to ask him to go ahead with this.   The costs to be assigned to the General Government Buildings budget item.
3.      There was an inconclusive discussion on whether it was possible to regularize the Selectmen’s open office hours with the Town Clerk’s hours and whether the Selectmen’s regular meeting day should be changed so that this meeting did not conflict with the open hours.  This agreed to continue this discussion next Wednesday (now deferred to Wednesday September 19 for all staff to be able to attend).
4.       At 9:05 AM Simon moved and Dick seconded a motion to go into non-public session under the authority of RSA 91-A:3 II(b) – “the hiring of any person as a public employee”.  The motion carried by unanimous roll-call vote.  Administrative Assistant Carole Bont, Bookkeeper/Secretary Dina Cutting, Simon Carr, Dick Jones, Charles Ragan and Dan Quinn attended the non-public session.  The Board returned to public session at 9:25 AM. having hired Dan Quinn as Transfer Station Supervisor.
5.       The Transfer Station issues raised at the meeting with attendants on September 2 were discussed further with Dan.
6.      At 9:30 AM Charles moved and Dick seconded a motion to go into non-public session under the authority of RSA 91-A:3 II(c) – “matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person”.  The motion carried by unanimous roll-call vote.  Administrative Assistant Carole Bont, Simon Carr, Dick Jones, Charles Ragan and Police Chief Field attended the non-public session.  The Board returned to public session at 9:50 AM. having discussed some animal control and animal control officer issues.
7.      The Meeting adjourned at 10:00 AM.

Simon Carr