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Selectboard Minutes 2007/08/29 (part 2)
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes for August 29, 2007  - Part 2

1.      The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen continued at 7:00 PM on Wednesday August 29 in the Fire Station training room, as a joint session with the Budget Committee.  The following attended the entire meeting: Administrative Assistant Carole Bont, Bookkeeper/Secretary Dina Cutting, Simon Carr, Dick Jones, Wayne Tullar, Kathy McGowen, David Caffry, Freda Swan, Mike Smith, Barney Brannen, Josh Kilham, Jeff Lehmann, Frank Bowles, Jay Smith, Mike Smith, Tish Smith, Nancy Dwight, Don Dwight, Town Clerk Patty Jenks and Treasurer Andrea Colgan.  
2.       Dick presented the issues with town bridges, noting that there was a need to address maintenance of the ‘Red List’ bridges, specifically the Pinnacle Road bridge over Trout Brook.  He also discussed the state bridges. Freda asked that we consider constructing lower height clearance frames before the Edgell covered bridge to stop overweight trucks using this.  The board will investigate this with the Police Department.
3.      Dick presented a summary of income and expenditure up to June 30.  In general we were below budget on expenditure, but also below budget on income from building permits and income from departments.
4.      We had received a FEMA grant for the effects of the April windstorm of $48,348.  As this had not been received at the end of June, the spreadsheet figures showed the status without the grant, but also noted the effects on expenditure with the grant included.    
5.      There was a general discussion on the summary and spreadsheet. Specific issues were:
a.      The Police Department should have a more prominent sign.
b.      Chase Beach and the “Castor Masters”.   We are endeavoring to maintain the water level at 2’6” by use of the pipes and this is still ongoing.  It was noted that the beach had not had to be closed, due to water level issues, this year.  It is intended to bring the ground level up and fill low pockets.  Next year we also intend to bring in sand, to lay behind the beach area.
6.      At 9:35 the Selectboard meeting recessed until 11:00 AM September 2 at the transfer station. The Budget committee continued with a joint meeting with the Town Offices Study Committee.

Simon Carr