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Selectboard Minutes 2007/08/29
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes for August 29, 2007

1.      The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen convened at 8:00 AM in the Fire Station training room.  The following attended the entire meeting:  Administrative Assistant Carole Bont, Police Chief Pauline Field, Simon Carr, Dick Jones and Charles Ragan.  The following attended parts of the meeting: Bookkeeper/Secretary Dina Cutting, Carola Lea and Wayne Tullar.
2.      Wayne Tullar and Carola Lea came in to check on the progress of Wayne’s conservation easement.  The issue of eminent domain had not been addressed and Dick proposed that the town not recover any damages in the event of the conservation lot being taken by eminent domain.  This was agreed unanimously.  Simon then proposed that the Selectboard accept the conservation easement on behalf of the town.  This was agreed unanimously.  Dick then proposed that the $15,000 held in escrow by the Lyme Foundation be released to Wayne and Shirley Tullar.  This was agreed unanimously.  Carole will contact Lindy Mather at the Lyme Foundation to arrange for the money to be released.
3.      The following administrative matters were discussed and actions taken:
a.      The minutes for August 22 were approved with minor amendments.
b.      The non-public minutes for August 22 were approved.
c.      The manifest was reviewed and signed.
d.      Elise had raised the issue of the cost of producing deed prints from the Grafton County Registry of Deeds on-line system.  The Registry charges $1/page, which should be passed on to the enquirer.  Up until now the town had charged 50c for any photocopies made by staff.  There was a discussion on possible charging methods and it was unanimously agreed that the charge should be $2/page for documents downloaded and printed from the Registry of Deeds.
e.      Dick moved that the MS-1 be signed, with page 2 to be adjusted to incorporate barn easements in the relevant line, subject to the advice Carole receives from the state.  This was agreed unanimously and the MS-1 was duly signed.
f.      Lance Goodrich’s “probationary period” had been completed but he had not yet taken the Solid Waste certification.  It was agreed that his incremental pay rise should be withheld until he was certified.
g.      The failure of the vault shelving was discussed.  Frank Bowles had offered to fix replacement shelving and it was agreed to ask him to undertake this, in consultation with Dina, Carole and Patty.
h.      Accidents to town vehicles:
i.      Grader accident:  There was a discussion on whether the insurance should pay for the damage to Dick Justice’s vehicle.  Dina will investigate this further with the insurance company.
ii.     Engine 2.  This had been taken up Washburn Hill Road to the fire on Preston Road on Saturday, August 25 and had suffered damages to the running board and casing to an auxiliary generator compartment.  Dina has submitted an insurance claim.  There is a $1000 deductible which should be covered by a line item in the Fire Department budget.
The Board strongly recommended to the fire chief that he arrange for fire truck safety driver training, as offered by Local Government Center, to be given to firemen.

i.      Transfer Station:
i.      Simon had talked further with Leavitt & Boucher and the transfer station staff.  The compactor can only be set to be operated on a deadman’s switch or one-cycle operation.  There was a discussion on the safety issues and control of the traffic speed.  It was agreed that for the moment we would remain with deadman operation, but that this would be reviewed once a new superintendent had been appointed.
ii.     Pathways Consulting had submitted a proposal for completing the surveying and permit application for the transfer station in the sum of $4,200, including a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System submission for the whole transfer station/highway department site.  Dick moved that this be accepted and the proposal was unanimously accepted.  The costs should be set against the Solid Waste Collection budget items.
4.      Simon had reviewed the US Department of Commerce Census ‘LUCA’ program and proposed that we register for this.  He was prepared to be the designated contact to undertake this program.
5.      The Local Government Center Municipal Volunteer award submission had not been finalized.  Dick will approve and sign the nomination when complete.
6.      At 9:35 the meeting recessed until 7:00 PM August 29 at 7:00 PM for the joint meeting with the Budget Committee and then Town Offices Building Committee.

Simon Carr