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Selectboard Minutes 2007/08/08
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes for August 8, 2007
1.      The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen convened at 8:00 AM in the Fire Station training room.  The following attended the entire meeting:  Administrative Assistant Carole Bont, Simon Carr, Dick Jones and Charles Ragan.  The following attended parts of the meeting: Fire Chief Michael Hinsley, Bookkeeper/Secretary Dina Cutting, Susan Melendy and John Fowler.
2.      Michael came in to advise that the new rescue truck has a problem on the transmission linkage which will be covered under warranty.
3.      The following administrative matters were discussed and actions taken:
a.      The minutes for August 1 were approved with minor amendments.
b.      The manifest was approved and signed.
c.      A Yield Tax assessment for Paul Hodes, map 403 lot 9 was signed.
d.      A Current Use application for Bliss Lane Reality Trust, map 410 lots 14, 45 and 32.2 was signed.
e.      Committee memberships:
i.      Don Dwight has resigned as a Planning Board Alternate due to other commitments.
f.      Peter Mulvihill had talked to Dick regarding the condition of the ball field.  This is an issue that the Recreation Commission is working on.
g.      Carole’s draft letter to the Grafton County Registrar of Deeds for online access was signed with minor amendments.
4.      Transfer Station issues:
a.      The compactor had failed on Sunday, due to water in the control box.  It has since been repaired and Dina will liaise with the compactor supplier on what steps we should take to ensure that we do not have further problems.  She will also arrange with a locksmith to have ten additional keys cut.
b.      The Transfer Station committee has proposed that the rates for disposing of tires be adjusted to enable us to recoup costs on this program.  The board accepted the new rates, which are:
Up to 16": 1 tire for $4, 2 for $6
17” to~19”              $8
20" to~~ 24"    $20

5.      Dick reported on the Conservation Commission meeting:
a.      The Tullar easement money would be paid once the Selectboard accepted the easement on behalf of the town.
b.      The commission was sending a letter to the Connecticut River Watershed council, expressing their extreme concern over the plan to sell off the Demmick Hill/Pout Pond building lot.
c.      The commission had agreed to pay the extra on the “Castor Master” partly from a gift and partly from Conservation commission funds.
6.      The Budget Committee meeting had been warned for August 29.  Dina will produce a summary report thro’ June.  The board will report on the new town vehicles and also on bridge issues within town. (See item 9)
7.      Air Handling in Town Offices:  Carole reported on the smell in the basement.  The septic pump is sealed and it appears that the smell is from previous damp in the carpet, which is stronger in humid conditions.  There was a discussion on resolving this and also on progress on getting a contractor to propose a suitable and satisfactory solution to the air-handling issues.  Dina asked whether the board could write to the trustees regarding the issues.  However, she and Betsy had been delegated by the board and the trustees respectively to negotiate such issues and, unless this channel was not proving satisfactory, it would not be appropriate for the board to become directly involved.
8.      John Fowler and Susan Melendy came in to discuss the stone wall on his property on Highbridge Road.  As this is a scenic road, the town has no authority to undertake any work on stone walls.  The concern was whether the wall in any way defined the boundary.  John Fowler produced the property deed showing that the boundary was defined by iron pins, in which case RSA 472:6 was not relevant.  Dick proposed  and the board agreed that:
“Pursuant to RSA 236:9, the selectmen authorize Mr. Fowler to disturb the surface, shoulders and ditches of Highbridge Road only to the extent necessary during the removal of the stone wall.  Mr Fowler shall restore any disturbed areas to the same extent or better upon completion of the removal of the stone wall.
“The selectmen ask Mr. Fowler to notify neighbors and to co-ordinate with the Road Agent regarding the closing of Highbridge Road and to ensure that the road is kept open overnight.”
9.      There was a discussion on bridges within town.  Four of our bridges are “Red listed”:
a.      Bridge 069/190 (Edgell covered bridge) is waiting on State assistance and Dina has not yet had any notification of a likely date.
b.      Bridges 054/051 and 055/048 on Goose Pond Road over Hewes Brook both are in need of work and we should warn the Budget Committee that we would expect to have to undertake work on one next year, possibly with the other in the following year.
c.      Bridge 113/147 on Pinnacle Road over Trout Brook is also in need of repairs at some future date.
d.      The “functionally obsolete” bridges on River Road will remain as traffic calming devices.
10.     There was a brief discussion on funding the Recreation Commission programs.
11.     The Emergency Preparedness Plan was briefly considered.  It was felt that the plan should be considered by those emergency responders involved in the April emergency and implementing it.  The plan should be reviewed to incorporate their experience before being submitted to the Selectboard.
12.     The board considered response to complaints, especially those made anonymously. Staff should be reporting these to the board by the most appropriate means but should be including information on who is submitting a complaint.  The board will consider such issues in non-public session and will ensure that there is no record of the complainant’s name, either in the agenda or in minutes of the public session.  It was noted that the police had separate procedures for handling complaints without identifying the complainant.
13.     At approximately 9:30 Simon moved and Dick seconded a motion to go into non-public session under the authority of RSA 91-A:3 II(c) – “matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person”.  The motion carried by unanimous roll-call vote.  Administrative Assistant Carole Bont, Simon Carr, Dick Jones and Charles Ragan attended the non-public session. The board returned to public session at 9:55 AM.  Under the authority of RSA 91-A:3 III Dick moved and Charles seconded that the minutes of this non-public session be sealed.  The motion carried by unanimous roll-call vote.
14.     The meeting adjourned at 10:03 AM.

Simon Carr