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Selectboard Minutes 2007/08/01
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes for August 1, 2007
1.      The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen convened at 8:00 AM in the Fire Station training room.  The following attended the entire meeting:  Administrative Assistant Carole Bont, Simon Carr, Dick Jones and Charles Ragan.  The following attended parts of the meeting: Road Agent Fred Stearns and Bookkeeper/Secretary Dina Cutting.
2.      Fred came in to discuss highway issues:
a.       Mr. Fowler wishes to remove stones from his wall on the east side of Highbridge Road.  This would enable Fred to undertake additional work on this section. However, it is a scenic road and as such, it was considered that we could not be involved in any removal of stones, nor in any widening of the road.  Whilst the scenic road legislation permits a landowner to remove stone walls, the board considered that it was possible that this stone wall was a boundary marker and that possibly the boundary line legislation would apply.  Town counsel had advised that the board should recommend Mr. Fowler to apply to the Planning Board for permission to remove stones.  The board agreed and recommended that Mr. Fowler apply to the Planning Board.  The road is single line at this point and the issue of closing the road during any period that stones are being removed must also be addressed by the Board of Selectmen.  
b.      The new dump truck should be in next week, but then goes to Sleepers of Concord for the plows and sander body to be fitted.
c.      Fred is still working on the gates for Shoestrap Road.  Before they are installed he and Dick should walk the road with Mr. Buchanan to ensure that they are correctly located.
d.      Goose Pond Road has now been repaved.  Fred has to undertake some shoulder work.  The mowers are now working through town.
3.      Transfer Station issues:
a.      The compactor is starting to smell.  Charles will arrange for Whitcher to supply some deodorant and will apply this in small doses to see if it resolves the issue.
b.      The supervisor’s position description was accepted with minor corrections.  The descriptions of possible safety hazards were retained in full.
c.      It was agreed that the rate for the supervisor would be in the range of $14-16/hour, dependent on experience and certification.  Any rate would be subject to review at the end of a three month probationary period.
d.      There had been comments, both for and against the proposal of opening on a second day.  The motion that passed at town meeting, reducing the operating costs of the transfer station and recommending one day operation, was reviewed.  There was a discussion on this and on the various commitments that had been given for second day opening, including the various comments made in the citizen’s attitude survey.  The Transfer Station committee had demonstrated that the station could open for a second day within the reduced budget.  The board carefully considered the various views that had been expressed and agreed that, once a supervisor had been appointed, the transfer station would open on a second day, given that the costs for this could be achieved within the reduced budget.
4.      The following administrative matters were discussed and actions taken:
a.      The minutes for July 25 were approved with minor amendments.
b.      The manifest was approved and signed.
c.      A question had been received regarding a Goose Pond Road resident selling firewood.  He had filed an intent-to-cut, so was legal and Dina would monitor the quantities reported.
d.      The board agreed that the $600 excess on the “Castor Master”, together with the $250 for the slide show and lecture should be assigned to the Conservation Commission fund.  Dick will ensure that Matt Stevens was notified of this.
e.      The board discussed the issue of approving staff vacation, on the basis that it was necessary that the board be able to track vacation time.  It was agreed that Freddie, Vickie, Carole and Dina should be submitting their vacation requests to the board for approval.  Vickie’s application for August 21 to 24 was approved.
f.      Committee memberships:
i.      Vicki May appears likely to remain on the Conservation Commission.
ii.     We are still awaiting Mike Smith’s resignation from the Budget committee.
iii.    A letter to Tom Hunton removing him as a voting member of the building committee was signed.  Jay Smith was appointed in his place.
g.      The “Standard” easements for fire protection structures and hydrants were approved.
5.      The board considered how to respond to email enquiries.  Where these were simple matters, staff could respond immediately.  If it was an issue for the Selectboard, then, once considered, a member of the board or a member of staff, as agreed, would respond by email and would include an extract of the relevant section of the draft minutes. A printed copy of the question and response should be filed in the letters file.
6.      Air Handling in Town Offices:  
a.      Carole reported on the problems found with the air handling system.  Apart from the ongoing problems of needing replacement, it needs regular cleaning.  It was agreed to as Bonnie, who is now cleaning the offices and library if she would undertake regular cleaning every two weeks until we had installed a replacement system.  At that time we should ask the installer to undertake a regular preventative maintenance program.
b.      The Library trustees were concerned that we were proposing to undertake work without reference to them.  It was agreed to pass copies of all current reports to them and ensure that we notified them in any discussions with potential contractors.
7.      Post Pond:
a.      The tennis courts were currently being repaired.
b.      Adair Mulligan had produced two loon signs.  It was agreed one should be at the boat launch and the other at Loch Lyme Lodge.
8.      Carola Lea had asked for information on the progress of the Tullar easement.  Simon and Carole had investigated this and found that Lee Larson had put the appropriate steps in place for getting the Governor and Council to approve the town taking a secondary easement over the proposed building lot.  We had to draw up a suitable secondary easement acceptable to both parties.
9.      Bob Couture and Scott Rodi had both raised questions regarding the water level in Post Pond.  This had been discussed in July 25 minutes and Dina was deputed to respond to them accordingly.  
10.     Dick’s draft memo to the Planning Board on the need to address both a major zoning ordinance re-write and the issue of lot mergers was approved.
11.     Simon and Vickie were working on a draft letter regarding lot “un-mergers” to go out to the town.  This will be accompanied by a list of FAQs addressing the various possibilities involved in un-merging lots.  It is anticipated that the drafting of these questions will trigger the need to make decisions, in principle, on un-merging.
12.     The possibility of negotiating with Advance Transit was discussed.  Dick is vice-chair of the Regional Transportation Advisory Board and will bring the issue up with the chair, Van Chestnut, when they next meet.
13.     Possible Ordinances:
a.      Seasonal weight limits. Given the cost of scales and Chief Field’s confidence that she can enforce weight limits on the basis of a vehicle’s tare weight, it was agreed not to proceed with this.
b.      Engine braking ordinance.  The main area of concern is Lyme Common and, specifically, route 10.  We need to investigate the issue of whether we can enforce such an easement on state roads.
14.     The meeting adjourned at 10:20 AM.

Simon Carr