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Selectboard Minutes 2007/07/18
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes for July 18, 2007
1.      The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen convened at 8:00 AM in the Fire Station training room.  The following attended the entire meeting:  Bookkeeper/Secretary Dina Cutting, Administrative Assistant Carole Bont, Town Clerk Patty Jenks, Simon Carr, Dick Jones and Charles Ragan.  The following attended parts of the meeting: Don Dwight, Steve Maddock, transfer station committee chair and member Pete Bleyler.
2.      After a discussion on the naming of the divided portions of Shoestrap Road, Dick moved that the portion of Shoestrap Road running east between River Road and the end of the Class V section be renamed Maple Lane.  The remaining portion of Shoestrap Road running west from Dartmouth College Highway to the end of the Class VI section to continue to be called Shoestrap Road. The motion passed unanimously.
3.      Steve and Pete came in to discuss Transfer Station issues:  
a.      Payroll budget.  On the basis of the current expenditure, we were sufficiently within the reduced budget to be able to open on a second day.  Jed and Lance had indicated that they were available to work the second day.
b.      Al has given Charles warning that he intends to quit.  Dick proposed that we advertise for a replacement supervisor and that we open the transfer station for a second day as soon as we have recruited the replacement.  Simon seconded this and the motion passed unanimously.  Carole will produce an advertisement as soon as the criteria for a level III attendant have been resolved.
c.      The  policy for non-household use of the transfer station was confirmed: We will not take any commercial MSW, but will accept recyclable and C&D streams. Householders may only dispose of waste and recyclables during opening hours.  If non-household operations wish to dispose of specific recyclables at other times, they may only do so after getting approval from the Selectboard at a regular meeting.
d.      Simon reported that on collecting boxes of bags from Green Mountain Studios recently, he had found two opened boxes with 10 rolls of large bags removed.  There did not appear to be any way we could increase security in this area.
e.      The box and cover for the compactor starter switch were leaking, giving trouble in operations.  Charles and Steve will liaise to resolve this.
4.      The following administrative matters were discussed and actions taken:
a.      The minutes for July 11 were approved with minor amendments.
b.      The non-public session minutes for July 11 were approved with minor amendments.
c.      One timber Intent-to-cut was signed.
d.      The manifest was reviewed and signed.
e.      The issue of timecards was discussed.  It was emphasized that there was no question of any lack of trust in the staff.  However, given that staff can be working varied hours, there was the necessity to be able to demonstrate to the townspeople that the board knew what hours the staff were putting in.  It was agreed that Dick, as the chair, would do a random audit of timecards and initial them accordingly.
f.      Daniel Cutting had been hit and injured by a golf ball in the cemetery.  Dina reported that she had found 22 golf balls on the ball field and others had been found in the cemeteries.  It was agreed that we should erect signs at the ball field saying “Please no golf”.
g.      The application for the ‘protected river’ sign on East Thetford Road was signed.
h.      It was agreed that we waive deposit and fees for the Lyme Center Academy Building for the Parish Nurse Bereaved Spouse Caring program.
i.      The state had notified us that submission of the report of trust funds was overdue.  Carole will draft a letter to the Trustees notifying them of the urgent need to make this return.
j.      The board reluctantly signed the notice confirming that we would use DRA form PA-28 “Inventory of Taxable Property”.
k.      It was agreed that the board would call a joint meeting with the Budget Committee for Wednesday August 1 at 7:00 PM.
5.      Post Pond Water Level and Conditions:  We had received a letter of complaint from Robert Couture regarding the condition of Chase Beach and the ball field.  A discussion ensued regarding conditions.  The Recreation Commission will address the ball field issues at their next meeting.  Dina described the intention to extend the sandy beach area next year.  Matt Stevens had already indicated, by email, his intention to lower the ‘caster master’ pipe in the upper dam; the aim should be to get the pipe down such that water level is fluctuating around the 2’6” level rather than the current 3’+ and that we should be aiming to manage the water level by the pipe rather than by continued breaches of the dam.  It was noted that the beavers were now developing dams on Trout Brook.
6.      Dina had reviewed our agreement with PRIMEX and had concluded that we would save $2,756 by switching to Workers’ Trust.  It was agreed that we would not commit to the three year renewal with PRIMEX and Dina will verify that Workers’ Trust is giving the same benefits.
7.      There was further discussion on the $15,000 to be given from the Conservation Fund for the Tullar’s proposed North Thetford Road lot easement. Carole has asked town counsel for an opinion on the legality of this.  It was agreed that we would continue the meeting to discuss this donation once we had received the opinion.
8.       It was agreed that we needed better handrails for both sides of the stairs down to the offices.  Patty and Dina will work on this and also clear any proposal with the library.
9.      At 10:00 AM the meeting recessed until 5:00 PM Friday July 20 at the Town Offices.

Simon Carr