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Selectboard Minutes 2007/06/20
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes for June 20, 2007
1.      The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen convened at 8:00 AM in the Fire Station training room.  The following attended the entire meeting:  Administrative Assistant Carole Bont, Simon Carr, Dick Jones and Charles Ragan.  The following attended parts of the meeting: Bookkeeper/Secretary Dina Cutting, Sexton Bill LaBombard, Sallie Ramsden and Christina Schonenberger, Lyme History Committee.
2.      Bill came in to discuss the seasonal cemetery worker.  William Gray had resigned. The board voted to accept his resignation. The board unanimously voted to accept Bill’s recommendation to offer the job to the second candidate, Daniel Cutting.  Wayne Bates will come in to train him.
3.      The following administrative matters were discussed and actions taken:
a.      The minutes for June 13 were approved with minor amendments.
b.      Two timber Intent-to-cuts were signed.  A further incomplete Intent-to-cut was held over for the owner to complete.
c.      A further revised letter to Edith Jenks, regarding Highland Cemetery, was reviewed and approved.
4.      Post Pond:  Dick, Simon and Dina had attended Skip Lisle’s presentation on beavers, organized by the Conservation Commission.  Following this, a 12” “Caster Master” pipe will be put through the upper dam soon.   Dina said there are still smelly areas that she will have Bill add some sand to.
5.      The Listserv policy document had generated some additional discussion.  Simon had received private comments on these and was delegated to draft and distribute, for approval, a response on why we were not going to undertake any of the suggested responses.  
6.      The board signed the application to Bill Janell (NHDOT Bureau of Right-of-Way) for the encroachment agreement to provide parking spaces adjoining the police station.  A copy should go to Allan Hanscom (NHDOT District Engineer).
7.      Charles reported that the energy committee had had an initial meeting and had plans on pushing low-energy bulbs and other programs.
8.      Planning Board:
a.      Dick reported that the planning board had agreed to set up a Capital Improvements Plan subcommittee, consisting of a Selectboard representative, a planning board member, budget committee and one or two public members.  Simon proposed that Dick should be the Selectboard representative, but that Charles should be enabled to work with him on the plan.
b.      Simon and Dick had attended the planning meeting for neighborhood meetings.  Dick felt that at least one Selectboard member should attend each meeting. Simon will attend the Lyme Center meeting on June 26th; Charles will attend the Hano house (298 Baker Hill Road) meeting on July 12th.  The remaining meetings, Elliot’s barn on July 18th and Ramsdens’ barn on July 25th will be confirmed later.   
9.      Transfer Station.
a.      Dick stated that any agreement to out-of-hours opening, or waiving of fees, must be agreed by the full board, to ensure that all events and applicants are treated equally.  The board concurred in this.
b.       Old Home Day.  Dick moved that we should arrange for out-of-hours opening and for fees to be waived for Old Home Day on August 4.  This was agreed.
c.      Lebanon had invited us to participate in a compost bin program.  But it was agreed that this was not an appropriate program to participate in.
d.      Lebanon has a meeting to meet the new solid waste manager on Friday 22th.  It was agreed it was not necessary to send anyone to this.
10.     Simon reported on the building committee.  Outlines for mission and case statements had been discussed but not finalized.
11.     Sallie Ramsden and Chris Schonenberger came in to discuss Lyme Academy Building Issues:  
a.      They have been given money from the Marion Hobbs fund for two benches at LCAB.  In addition, the existing swing set has been condemned on safety grounds. They proposed to site the benches and a replacement swing set between trees on the north edge of the site.  This location was approved.  They were asked not to remove the old swing set until after Old Home Day and after the new swing set had been installed.
b.      They had a quote of $1864 in Oct 2006 to install a gutter on the west side of the Academy building, to protect the disabled access ramp.  It was agreed to authorize this.  Although there is some money in the general government buildings maintenance and repair fund for the Academy Building, it is unlikely to be sufficient to cover the total amount and we should be looking for about $2000 from the budget to cover this.
c.      Sallie showed a proposed location for a barn.  Simon noted that, as treasurer of Lyme Historians, he had a conflict of interest on this issue.  Dick moved and the board agreed that the board approve the soliciting of a barn and construction of same, if it is shown on an approved site plan of the Lyme Center Academy Building.
12.     At approximately 9:25 Dick moved and Charles seconded a motion to go into non-public session under the authority of RSA 91-A:3 II(c) – “matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person”.  The motion carried by unanimous roll-call vote.  Administrative Assistant Carole Bont, Simon Carr, Dick Jones and Charles Ragan attended the non-public session.  
13.     The Board returned to public session at 9:53.  Under the authority of RSA 91-A:3 III Dick moved and Charles seconded that the minutes of the non-public session be sealed.  The motion carried by unanimous roll-call vote.
14.     The meeting adjourned at 9:54 AM.
Simon Carr