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Selectboard Minutes 2007/06/27
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes for June 27, 2007
1.      The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen convened at 8:00 AM in the Fire Station training room.  The following attended the entire meeting:  Administrative Assistant Carole Bont, Bookkeeper/Secretary Dina Cutting, Police Chief Pauline Field, Simon Carr, Dick Jones and Charles Ragan.  The following attended parts of the meeting: Don Elder.
2.      Don came in to discuss Lyme Center Academy Building issues:
a.      Parking:  Rich’s are having construction work on their building and will be parking at LCAB.  This is a continuation of the standard practice whereby Richs, LCAB and the Baptist church share parking for their various events and needs.   
b.      There is poison ivy between the driveway and Dorchester Road.  He was given authority to use Round-up to clear this.  He also intends to clear some brush on the west side before Old Home Day.
3.      The following administrative matters were discussed and actions taken:
a.      The minutes for June 20 were approved with minor amendments.
b.      The non-public session minutes for June 20 were approved.
c.      Three timber Intent-to-cuts were signed.
d.      The unlicensed dog warrant was reviewed and signed.
e.      A yield tax assessment of $241.10 for Richard and Lucie Bourdon was signed.
f.      The storage and disposal of roadside storm logs was discussed.  The logs were cleared and hauled by Taylor. These logs were stored in Bret Ryan’s gravel pit and the agreement was that Bret’s storage fee would be recouped by him disposing of this timber.  Dick was authorized to write to FEMA confirming the situation and to sign this on behalf of the board.
g.      Post Pond Tennis Courts:  Steve Dayno had advertised tennis clinics at the town tennis courts.  To use the courts, he either has to have public liability insurance, in which case there would still be the issue of him profiting from the use of town facilities and he would have to agree appropriate rates with the town.  Alternatively, he could be employed through the Recreation Commission.  Carole will draft a letter for Simon to sign on behalf of the Selectboard, setting out this policy.  There is a Recreation Commission meeting next Monday July 2 at the LCAB and Steve Dayno will be invited to attend this.
h.      It was agreed that the next scheduled meeting being on Independence Day, it would be deferred until July 11.
i.      Draft responses to Frank Bowles’ request regarding the possibility of additional information being posted to follow up listserv discussions had been circulated.  It was decided not to send any of these but that Simon would do a simple email response stating that the board had decided against changing the existing policy.
j.      Property Tax appeals from Frank Bowles (map 408 lot 43) and Putt Blodgett (map 415 lot 19) were reviewed.  Dick recorded that he was an abutter to Put and Marion Blodgett’s property.  The board concurred with the Assessor in refusing the appeals.
k.      Peter Tenney, from Crossroads Academy had submitted an email requesting permission to dispose of recyclables at the transfer station.  Dick was deputed to email a response that; Crossroads were permitted to dispose of any recyclables during the regular transfer station hours.  MSW (household waste) and C&D would not be accepted. If Crossroads wished to dispose of recyclables outside of regular transfer station hours, they should apply by close of business on Friday, for consideration by the next regular Selectboard meeting.
l.      Barbara Woodard had raised a question on the maintenance of Bliss Lane.  The Selectboard agreed that they fully supported the road Agent in his maintenance of the town roads and that the Road Agent should proceed with the appropriate maintenance of Bliss Lane.
m.      Pauline and Dina were authorized to proceed with re-writing the Chase Beach by-laws.  As soon as completed the Selectboard would consider them and arrange the necessary public hearing.
4.      At approximately 9:10 Dick moved and Charles seconded a motion to go into non-public session under the authority of RSA 91-A:3 II(c) – “matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person”.  The motion carried by unanimous roll-call vote.  Administrative Assistant Carole Bont, Bookkeeper/Secretary Dina Cutting, Police Chief Pauline Field, Simon Carr, Dick Jones and Charles Ragan attended the non-public session.   The Board returned to public session at 9:38.  Under the authority of RSA 91-A:3 III Dick moved and Charles seconded that the minutes of the non-public session be sealed.  The motion carried by unanimous roll-call vote.
5.      The meeting adjourned at 9:39 AM.  NOTE: Next regular meeting July 11 at 8:00 AM.
Simon Carr