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Selectboard Minutes 2007/06/13
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes for June 13, 2007
1.      The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen convened at 8:00 AM in the Fire Station training room.  The following attended the entire meeting:  Administrative Assistant Carole Bont, Bookkeeper/Secretary Dina Cutting, Simon Carr, Dick Jones, Police Chief Pauline Field and Charles Ragan.  The following attended parts of the meeting: Steve Hewes.
2.      The following administrative matters were discussed and actions taken:
a.      The minutes for June 6 were approved with minor amendments.
b.      Several timber Intent-to-cuts were signed.
c.      The manifest was reviewed and signed.  
d.      Letters were approved and signed:
i.      Katie Jenks regarding Transfer Station out-of-hours opening.
ii.     Dowd’s Country Inn regarding the arrangements for serving alcoholic beverages in the Inn grounds.
e.      A letter to Edith Jenks, regarding Highland Cemetery, had been drafted but not signed.  Next year the fifth grade will be responsible for the veterans’ flags.
f.      It was agreed we would give NH Fish & Game information on the Post Pond boat launch for their recreational map.
g.      The cut-off date for property tax appeals was clarified in that hardship waivers may be granted at any time of the year.
3.      There was a discussion on the computer backup. It was agreed that the backup routine worked well but that tapes would now be stored off-site in a locked cabinet at the town garage.  We should hold keys both at the town offices and the town garage.
4.      Steve Hewes came in to report that there was still logging being carried out on the property adjoining his, with further trees being cut despite no intent-to-cut being posted.  We have notified the state forester and DRA of this issue. The forester is taking it up with the landowner.  Steve has arranged for his property to be surveyed to ensure that none of his trees are being taken.
5.      There was a discussion on the Post Pond water level.  Dina had a letter from DES Dam Bureau regarding the water levels.  It was agreed that it was un-necessary to return to the state regarding the mean high water level and that we should endeavor to continue to address the issue with “Caster Masters”.  Skip Lisle is due to present his current findings Sunday 17 June at the Academy Building.  Dick and Simon intend to attend this presentation.
6.      Simon and Carole reported on their LGC workshop on getting community acceptance of building projects.  One of the key issues is having the Capital Improvements Plan in place so as to keep people aware of upcoming issues.
7.      Park and Ride Lot: Pauline would be meeting with Fred Stearns and NHDOT at 7:00AM Friday, to confirm a specific parking area.  Pauline was delegated to negotiate this with DOT and with Wayne Pike, who had offered to contribute to this cost of these parking area,.  The encroachment agreement should ensure that there were two spaces for police vehicles, five designated for park and ride and the remainder for municipal parking.  There is not likely be any reason for delay in finalizing this agreement.
8.      Bonhag Associates proposal for the offices’ air quality improvement was reviewed.  Bonhag is going to suggest three contractors who could carry out this work.  It was unanimously agreed to seek estimates for carrying out this work.
9.       Dina notified that there would be trash from the Chase Beach clean-up on Saturday, June 16 and that she would have difficulty holding it till Sunday.  Dick moved and there was unanimous agreement that we should waive the hours and charges requirements of the transfer station so that we can dispose of the Chase Beach refuse on Saturday.
10.     Pauline raised that she was currently working without a contract.  The board will arrange to prepare a new contract.
11.     At 9:30 AM the meeting recessed until 7:00 PM Sunday June 17 at Lyme Center Academy Building.
12.     The meeting reconvened at 7:00 PM on June 17th with Dick and Simon attending Skip Lisle’s beaver presentation at the Lyme Center Academy Building, organized by the conservation commission.
13.     The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Simon Carr