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Selectboard Minutes 2007/06/06
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes for June 6, 2007
1.      The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen convened at 8:00 AM in the Fire Station training room.  The following attended the entire meeting:  Administrative Assistant Carole Bont, Simon Carr, Dick Jones, Police Chief Pauline Field and Charles Ragan.  The following attended parts of the meeting: Edwin Lord,  Bookkeeper/Secretary Dina Cutting, Police Officer Shaun O’Keefe, Allan Hanscom (NHDOT District Engineer), Bill Janell (NHDOT Bureau of Right-of-Way), Phil Miles (NHDOT Property Manager).
2.      Edwin Paul Lord came in to complain about his treatment by the town and police.  He asked whether his complaint would be recorded and it was explained to him that a summary of his comments would be written; there would be no electronic recording.  He said that, on an unspecified day, he had been assaulted by the police and that, unless the he received a letter from the town, with an offer of damages he would sue the town.  At this stage, the Board was not prepared to discuss this further.  Mr. Lord also wanted to know why he was being asked for details of his blowdown.  It was explained to him that the state required notification of all logging intents-to-cut and that it was the responsibility of the landowner (which is not him) to submit this information.  
3.      The following administrative matters were discussed and actions taken:
a.      The minutes for May 30 non-public session were approved.
b.      The minutes for May 30 public session were approved with minor amendments.
c.      Several timber Intent-to-cuts were signed, bringing the storm blow-down total to 36.
d.      Emily Rodi had asked for permission for the 3rd grade to use Chase Beach on Friday June 15.  She was given permission to use the picnic area but not to use swimming area, as the equipment will not have been set up and lifeguards will not yet be operational.  
e.      Simon had had a report of a faded speed limit sign on Dorchester Road at the Grafton turnpike intersection.  This is a town sign and Fred should be notified of this to include its replacement in his regular schedule.
f.      James Graham had emailed regarding a tree given to the town for our participation in Tree City USA.  He and Bill LaBombard are liaising over planting this.
g.      Dowd’s Country Inn had written asking for blanket permission for serving liquor at outdoors events.  Pauline was asked to draft a letter permitting this, in accordance with the State regulations and with the zoning ordinance that such events be over by 11:00 PM.  Dowd’s were also to be asked to co-ordinate with Chief Field whenever events were likely to produce parking issues.
4.      Transfer Station:
i.      There was a discussion on traffic flow at the Transfer Station.  As we cannot set up permanent signs, we should get the staff to put out suitable cones.  The previous ones have gone so it will be necessary to get replacements.
ii.     Steve Maddock had obtained an estimate of $1,325 for concrete steps to Transfer Station C&D roll-off.  This was approved.  The required 3’6” x 5’6” x 4” concrete pad would cost $500.  However, Those Guys would undertake it for the cost of concrete.
iii.    Dina reported on a phone call complaining about use of the transfer station out-of-hours.  Dick was authorized to draft and send a letter to the complainant.
5.      There was a discussion on the Lyme Historians’ using Post Pond for an ice-cutting event.  Providing access is via private land, the town does not need to be involved in this.  However, if using Chase Beach, any such event would have to be under the auspices of the Lyme History Committee and would require permission.  In this circumstance, it is unclear whether the town’s insurance would be valid for such an event.
6.      FEMA Status.  Dina has now got the firefighters’ costs and will complete and submit the application.
7.      Dick reported on trail clean-up day and the Conservation Commission meeting. Trout Pond and Beaver Pond trails are now open but some other trails are still blocked due to blowdowns.  We had assistance from Norwich and Hartford (Upper Valley Trails Alliance).  Thetford had asked for our assistance, as abutters, in backing their position that construction should not be permitted in the Connecticut River flood plain.
8.      Simon reported on the building committee’s progress in respect of Recreate.
9.      There had been no progress in agreeing the Police Station lease.  The Board voted to authorize the May and June lease payments for the police department’s accommodation in the Wayne Pike property.
10.     Park and Ride Lot
a.      Allan Hanscom, Phil Miles and Bill Jarell, all of NHDOT, came in to discuss the Park and Ride lot. Bob Coyle also attended as a potential abutter and was interested in the possibility of an offset in respect of his planned new septic system.  There was a discussion on whether and under what conditions the town might take over this lot as a municipal parking lot.  The relevant laws are 4:39(c) and 4:40.  The State would expect to get fair market value for the lot.  The DOT would consider appropriate encroachment agreements over the parking lot but was concerned that the current items permanently parked on the rear of the lot should be removed.  Encroachment agreements could be agreed for parking for police cruisers and also to permit Bob Coyle to plant and maintain a garden area.  Such encroachment agreements may be terminated at 30 days notice.
b.      The DOT asked for a letter from the Board confirming that the DOT could continue in the matter of the Pushee easement, which would be providing access to a single dwelling.  Dick was authorized to draft and sign such a letter: the town’s interest being its ability to access the fire pond and dry hydrant.
c.      Allan Hanscom, Phil Miles, Bill Jarell, Chief Pauline Field and Bob Coyle arranged to view the lot and consider the options after the meeting.
11.     The meeting adjourned at 10:05 AM.

Simon Carr