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Selectboard Minutes 2007/05/02
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes for May 2, 2007
1.      The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen convened at 8:00 AM in the Fire Station training room.  The following attended the entire meeting:  Carole Bont, Dina Cutting, Simon Carr, Dick Jones and Charles Ragan.  The following attended parts of the meeting: Carola Lea, Sue MacKenzie, Garry Thurston (Pike Industries), Stuart Close (Blaktop), Fred Stearns (road agent).
2.      Fred came in with the bids for the new truck. These were:
Freightliner of New England     M2 106V         300hp   $69,912.00
S.G. Reed                               International 7500      350hp   $69973.10
L + B Truck Services            Sterling PRL-22M                $72,067.00
Freightliner of New England     M2 106V         350hp   $80,651.00

Dick moved and Simon seconded a motion to accept S. G. Reed’s (Claremont) bid for an International 7500 chassis in the sum of $69,973.10.  This was carried unanimously.  Fred will arrange for a separate price from E. W. Sleeper (Concord) for the plow and sander package.
3.      The following administrative matters were discussed and actions taken:
a.      The manifest was reviewed and approved
b.      Tyler Rich and Kevin Balch’s nominations were signed.
c.      Six timber Intent-to-cuts were signed.
d.      Tax exemption for Newton and  Yurkosky were approved and signed
4.      The board received the notice of tax liens from Joanne Coburn. No action was taken.
5.      Recreation Commission: Dina reported on the meeting held March 26 with Kerry Beck, Tor Tosteson and Steve Small.  There is a strong urge to re-energize this commission and the next meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 21.
6.      Public Works Facilities Committee: with completion of the major buildings for Public Works, it was felt there was no necessity to continue this committee.  Dick made a motion which Charles seconded it to disestablish the Public Works Facility Committee.  This was passed unanimously.
7.      Town Offices: Bonhag Associates had submitted proposals for the additional ventilation/radon work.  It was agreed this should be undertaken.
8.      Town Offices Building Committee.  Simon reported on the meeting held May 1.  Jane Fant had resigned but all current members were intending to continue. Don Metz and Frank Bowles had taken over as co-chairs from Pete Bleyler; Freda would now take minutes in place of Pattie.  The committee asked that the Selectboard put out a call for other interested members, emphasizing the time and location of meetings and the necessity to attend if a member.  The issue of minutes being published on the website was raised.  This had not been done, principally because of the number of executive sessions involved.  However, it was agreed that this should be done in future.
9.      FEMA.  There is a meeting scheduled for May 9, 7:00 p.m. at Newfound High School, Bristol to register and get information for public assistance from FEMA.  Charles and Dina will attend this.
10.     At 9.00 am the bids for the paving contracts were opened:
Item 1:    Laid and rolled
                Blacktop Inc            $58.55/ton
                F. W. Whitcomb  $61.88/ton
                Pike Industries         $54.95/ton

Item 2:    Hotpack FOB
Blacktop Inc            $48.00/ton
Pike Industries         $48.00/ton

Dick made a motion, seconded by Simon to award Item 1 (Laid and Rolled) to Pike Industries.  As the hotpack prices were identical, Dick proposed that Fred be instructed to collect this from whichever plant had it available.  This was approved.

11.     Carola Lea and Sue Mackenzie came in to discuss the energy committee.  This had been created for an initial three-year period with specific annual goals.  After a discussion it was agreed that the Board would re-constitute this as an ongoing committee. Carola and Sue will review the charge and submit this to the board, together with proposed names for the committee. There should be not less than 5 nor more than 9 members, including a Selectboard member, which will be Charles for this year.
12.     The meeting adjourned at 09:18 AM.
Simon Carr