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Selectboard Minutes 2007/04/25
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes for April 25, 2007
1.      The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen convened at 8:00 AM in the Fire Station training room.  The following attended the entire meeting:  Carole Bont, Simon Carr, Dick Jones and Charles Ragan.  The following attended parts of the meeting: Pauline Field (police chief), Pattie Jenks, Dina Cutting, Richard Drew, Steve Maddock, Michael Hinsley (fire chief), Hank Flickinger (deputy fire chief), Russell Stearns, Fred Stearns (road agent) and Greg Turnelle (NHEC).
2.      Richard Drew was concerned about the covered bridge.  It has a 3 ton limit due to the partial failure of one truss.  It is on the state list for maintenance and we are waiting for confirmation of a date for repair.  Richard was concerned about the number of over-weight trucks using it.  Pauline explained that we did not have the facility to weigh over-weight trucks, but that she would monitor the situation.
3.      Pattie Jenks came in to express her concerns about the minutes of  March 21.  She was especially concerned that Dan Bailey and Jimmy were being excluded from meetings, because of their concerns about the management of the Highway Department.  She emphasized that they felt they had legitimate concerns that they should be able to bring to the Board and that they were being penalized for bringing these concerns.  She also had a personnel matter, which she requested that the board go in to Executive session to discuss.  Dick asked her to make an appointment to raise this at a future meeting.
4.      Steve Maddock came in to request that the BOS immediately suspend accepting TVs and computer screens.  This should come from Charles as the BOS representative on the Transfer Station committee and Steve was asked to bring this up at the next transfer station committee meeting.
5.      Dina reviewed the Timber Tax issues, following the informational meeting with Dennis Thorell, Nory Par and Jamie-Lynn Sheehy.   The emphasis was that people should record everything possible: any contract with their logger, record the state of their woodlot, take pictures and record the actual timber taken.  It was agreed the board should write to Dennis, Nory and Jamie to thank them for participating in this meeting.  The board agreed that, whilst they could take no decision until they had received the relevant applications, they were minded to be very sympathetic on abating the tax. Dina was working on a letter to distribute town-wide incorporating Dennis’s advice.  Dina said she had already received about 50 enquiries.
6.      At approximately 8:50 Dick moved and Charles seconded a motion to go into non-public session under the authority of RSA 91-A:3 II(c) – “matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person”.  The motion carried by unanimous roll-call vote.  The Board returned to public session at 9:03
7.      Greg Turnelle of NHEC came in to report on the status of power restoration.  All power had been restored by 5:00 p.m. April 23.  Pico Lane was the last area to be restored.   The board appreciated how well the crews had performed and how patient they had been in dealing with the public.  Greg had an extra nine crews arrive on Monday 23rd which saved three days.  In many instances they had undertaken temporary work and there would be ongoing work to clear this up.  He noted especially the work Morty Bailey had done in helping to clear the Pinnacle Road area.  Wally Ragan, as Emergency director had asked for an updated power line map.
8.      Kevin Balch and Tyler Rich were nominated as deputy forest fire wardens.
9.      The following administrative matters were discussed and actions taken:
a.      the April 18 minutes were approved with a minor correction;
b.      the manifest was reviewed and approved.
10.     Tony Pippin had asked if Lyme Country Store could resume supplying green bags on the same pre-pay terms as previously.  The Board had no problems with this, but it needed to be cleared with Patty, who has been responsible for bags since supplies to LCS had been suspended.
11.     Russell Stearns and Fred Stearns came in to say that Wilmott Way was being damaged by a logger’s skidder, despite having been worked on the previous day.  Pauline will investigate and talk to the logger.  Simon was deputed to prepare a letter to go out to the town; that roads were still posted, and that, unless give clearance by Fred, no equipment could be hauled over posted roads until the end of mud season.
12.     The meeting adjourned at 10:45 AM.
Simon Carr