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Selectboard Minutes 2007/03/28
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes for March 28, 2007
1.      The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen convened at 8:00 AM in the Fire Station training room.  The following attended the entire meeting:  Carole Bont, Dick Jones and Charles Ragan.  The following attended parts of the meeting: Pauline Field (police chief), Fred Stearns (road agent), Charlie Waterbury (Orford road agent), James Graham, Dina Cutting (bookkeeper/secretary), Peter Mulvihill and Mike Hinsley (fire chief).
2.      Fred came for his regular report to the Board.
a.      He is getting proposals from several different companies for the new 6-wheel dump truck (Sterling, International and Freightliner).
b.      He reported that the rear end of the GMC small dump truck had failed and it is currently undergoing repairs that may require the use of the “emergency major equipment repair fund”.  The Board authorized use of this fund if necessary.
c.      He also requested that RFPs be prepared for this year’s road project – pave the eastern section of Goose Pond Road that was ground last year.
3.      Charlie joined Fred and the Board to discuss damage to town roads in mud season from logging trucks.  Dick explained that the “intent to cut” bonding provisions do not permit bonding for potential road damage.  Neither Lyme nor Orford have an ordinance to require bonding to cover potential road damage, although Hanover does.  It was agreed that development of such an ordinance was something that should be investigated.
4.      James came in to ask that the Board sign the application for recertification as a “Tree City USA”.  The Board approved and signed the application.
5.      Dina came in to discuss the confusion over a recent application to use the Academy Building.  It was agreed that the policy should be revised to more effectively deal with the parking (lack of) situation.  Pauline expressed her concerns about the safety of on-street parking for larger events at the Academy.  In addition the Board reaffirmed its desire to have Dina continue to process and approve Academy Building use applications.
6.      Pete came in to discuss issues raised in Article 26 at Town Meeting.  He felt that the Post Pond water level was too high and damaging both Chase Beach and the playing field.  Dick explained that the State had already denied a request to reexamine the “normal mean high water level” determination and ruled that the regulations concerning dam controlled water levels were not applicable as beaver dams are not dams under those regulations.  Pete suggested that a Town employee be charged with monitoring the water level and breaching the beaver dam when the water level was above 3 feet on the gage.  He also expressed his concerns that a season would be lost if the ball field were to be rebuilt.  The Board made no commitments on any of the issues raised.
7.      Mike came in to briefly discuss fire department issues:
a.      The Selectmen agreed to complete and sign the building permit when the location of the communications tower is determined.
b.      He reported that E-One was scheduled to receive the chases for the rescue truck the second week of April.
c.      He reported that a $200,000 grant has been received to improve dispatch communications services.
d.      He reported that surgical masks and emergency shelter supplies have been received.
8.      The following administrative actions were taken:
a.      The March 21 public and non-public session minutes were approved with minor corrections to the public session minutes.
b.      The manifest was reviewed and approved.
c.      The appointment order for David Roby as Planning Board Alternate for three years was signed.
d.      The formal notice to the UVLT regarding the failure to pass Articles 8 and 9 was approved and signed.
e.      The Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission contract for Master Plan development support was reviewed and signed.
f.      The maintenance contract for the selectmen’s office copier was approved and signed.
9.      At approximately 9:30 Dick moved and Charles seconded a motion to go into non-public session under the authority of RSA 91-A:3 II(c) – “matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person”.  The motion carried by unanimous roll-call vote.  
10.     The Board returned to public session at 9:55 with no action having been taken during the non-public session.
11.     The meeting adjourned at 9:55 AM.
R. G. Jones
recorder pro tem