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Selectboard Minutes 2007/03/07
DRAFT:  March 7, 2007
Approved:  March 14, 2007

March 7, 2007

The Regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 8:00 am at Fire Station Training Room.

Present were Judy Brotman, Dick Jones, Charles Ragan, Carole Bont and Dina Cutting.

1.      The Board approved the minutes of February 28, 2007, public session and non-public session.
2.      The Board signed the manifest.
3.      The Board discussed the issue of mail box vandalism on River Road.  The police are looking into the situation.
4.      The Board discussed the Buchanan letter concerning the proposed closing of  Shoestrap Road.  The Board will follow-up on this issue after town meeting has voted on the issue.  The Board also discussed “emergency access” to the road, following up on the discussion at Little Town Meeting.  
5.      The Board discussed the State’s granting a right-of-way to Pushee (in the area of the Park ‘n Ride). The Town doesn’t really have a concern over the right-of-way being proposed.
6.      The Board discussed the request for a Tullar right-of-way/driveway over the old town road, Turner Lane.  The Board will take no action on this issue until after Town Meeting.  (The Board reviewed an excerpt from Dick’s road book on this road.)
7.      The Board reviewed a request for a political banner on the Common.  The Board is unable to grant this request, having been previously informed by the State that Town’s cannot allow political signs on Town-owned property.
8.      Dick updated the Board on the recent meeting of the Town Offices Committee.  
9.      The Board discussed Little Town Meeting, and prepared for the upcoming Town Meeting.  Set-up for Town Meeting will be Monday at 5:00 pm.  Charles and Dick will bring over additional tables from the Academy Building.  Dick volunteered to man the voting from 6:30 am to the start of the Town Meeting at 9:00 am.  Charles and  Judy will split the remaining time at the conclusion of Town Meeting.
10.     Charles addressed several issues concerning the completion of the Transfer Station Permit application.  Simon Carr and / or Vickie Davis will be asked to help complete the application.
The meeting adjourned at 9:05 am.
Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman