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Selectboard Minutes 2007/02/21
Draft:  February 21, 2007
Approved:  February 28, 2007

February 21, 2007

Present:  Dick Jones, Charles Ragan, Judy Brotman, Carole Bont, Dina Cutting, Bill Waste, Patty Jenks, Elise Garrity, Joanne Coburn.

1.      The Board met with Bill Waste, Town Moderator and Patty Jenks, Town Clerk, to review the Town Warrant and discuss set-up issues for both Little Town Meeting and Town Meeting.
2.      The Board approved the minutes of February 14, 2007 (2 sets) and February 13, 2007.
3.      The Board signed the Manifest.
4.      The Board unanimously voted to hire B. Thebodo to replace George Frame as Timber Tax consultant.
5.      The Board has received a number of supportive emails thanking the highway crew for the outstanding work during the big storm.  The emails will be placed in the workers personnel files.
6.      The Board unanimously voted to re-appointed David Avery and John Sanders to the Communication Committee.
7.      The Board approved the Yield Tax Warrant for Mr. Evarts (dba Smarts Mt. Realty) for $4,647.56.
8.      The Board approved the Intent to Cut for Joe and Kris Pekala, Preston Road, Tax Map 402, lot 18.2.
9.      The Board reconsidered the vote taken last week on a Hardship tax abatement – and voted to take not action at this time in light of new information.  The Board will consider the request when additional information is provided.
10.     The Board discussed the results of the Fire Station examination and testing done by engineer Wayne Bonhag.
a.       The report noted that it was the opinion of Bonhag Associates that, “the building is safe for occupancy and that the protocols which have already been set in place by the Lyme Fire Department” will be utilized to minimize the CO at the Fire Station.
b.      By unanimous vote the Board approved reopening the fire station to public use.  
c.      As referenced in the report, a copy of the protocols shall be provided to both offices (the Fire Station office and the Board of Selectmen’s office) by the Fire Chief.
d.      A condition of the use of the Fire Station is that the department maintain the alarms in the meeting room and the Chief’s office in good working order.
11.     Dick updated the Board on the recent meeting of the Town Offices Committee.  There are some revised costs numbers being generated.  At least one additional “conceptual cost” estimate will be requested.  The next Town Offices Committee meeting will be next Tuesday at 11:30 am.
12.     The Board discussed the continued difficulty in hiring an additional transfer station worker, and the probability that the transfer station will not be opened for any additional time in the  near future due to the fact that we cannot get adequate coverage.
13.     The Board voted by unanimous roll call vote to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II (c) to discus a matter that may affect the reputation of an individual.
14.     The Board returned to public session having voted by unanimous roll call vote to seal the non-public session minutes.
15.     The Board voted to approve the warrant and return later in the day to sign the finalized warrant.
The meeting adjourned at 10:15 am.
Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman