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Selectboard Minutes 2007/02/28
DRAFT: February 28, 2007
APPROVED:  March 7, 2007

February 28, 2007

The regularly scheduled Board of Selectmen meeting opened at 7:30 am at the fire station training room.  
Present for the meeting:  Judy Brotman, Dick Jones, Charles Ragan, Carole Bont, Pauline Field, Michael Hinsley, Fred Stearns, David Roby, Wayne Pike, and Matt Sturtevant (Spectator).
1.      The Board met with Fred Stearns.
a.      The Board has written “atta-boy” letters for each of the highway crew members commending them for their extra efforts on the Valentine’s Day storm.
b.      The Board wants to be sure that Fred and the crew are ready for the next big storm.
c.      The Board reviewed Scott’s pay raise, given a few weeks early this year under special circumstances.  
d.      Fred said that he is willing to go either way with the new truck, depending on what Town Meeting recommends be done.
e.      Fred is considering posting the roads, yet is concerned it may be too early, especially with the big storm predicted for Thursday night.  The Board will support Fred in whatever he decides – just let us know so we can put the notice in the paper!
2.      The Board met with Michael Hinsley.
a.      Michael will write-up and copy the protocol referenced in Wayne Bonham’s report concerning air quality at the fire station.
b.      Upon motion by Dick Jones and second by Charles Ragan, the Board voted by unanimous roll call vote to go into Non-Public Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (c) matters which if discussed in public could affect the reputation of an individual.
c.      The Board returned to public session having voted to seal the non-public session minutes.
3.      The Board met with Wayne Pike to review the lease for the Police Department office.  The Board will be   finalizing the lease shortly.  Wayne would prefer a multi-year lease, which the Board will put on the Warrant for next year’s Town meeting.  In the interim, Wayne will not be removing the kitchen from the unit.
4.      The Board met with David Roby concerning protection of Class VI roads.  
a.      David wanted to mention that the Town did not need to have a certified, attorney-prepared letter sent to him asking to have the lock removed from the “gate” on his property over the class VI road – a simple phone call would have sufficed.
b.      David also asked if something could be done to post the Class VI roads in a similar manner to the regular posting that occurs when the ground get soft in the spring thaw conditions.
i.       The Board discussed several options, and asked to have Carole contact the Town’s attorney to see if we can by law post those roads.  
ii.     The Board also agreed to form a study committee after Town Meeting this year to look into turning those Class VI roads into town trails.
c.      David wondered if the old Baker Hill Road could be discontinued in such a way that he can lock the gate so that folks don’t try to negotiate it with motorized vehicles.  The Board asked Carole to look into the legality of that issue.
5.      The Board approved the minutes of February 21, 2007 (2 sets)
6.      The Board visited the issue of an individual’s comments on what she had said as reported in the January 31 public hearing and Board meeting minutes.  The Board voted unanimously to leave the minutes as approved.
7.      The Board discussed the results of the examination and testing done by engineer Wayne Bonhag in the Fire Station – and how to disseminate that information to the public.  
a.      The Board will make available a copy of the minutes and emails in printed form.  
b.      In general, the Board will not be responding to or conducting business by email or responding to the public commentary on “listserv”.
8.      Dick updated the Board on the recent meeting of the Town Offices Committee.  
a.      The plan has been modified slightly, with some roof alterations and some internal partitions being removed.  The requests for estimates (based on concept drawings only) have been sent out.
b.      Wayne Bonhag continues to do testing in the Town Offices.  No results are available yet.
9.      The Board accepted with regrets the resignation of Jane Fant from Town Offices Committee.
10.     The Board will hold off signing the UVLSRPC contract for Master Plan work until Dina returns.  The original contract was amended by the Board, and we would like to locate that contract before starting over!
11.     The Board discussed the need to rename at least one of the two sections of Shoestrap Road if the vote at Town Meeting is to discontinue that section of the road that is washed out.
a.      The Board felt that the residents of the River Road end of the road should be able to choose the name for the road.  
b.      The Route 10 end of the road should remain Shoestrap Road.
12.     The Board reviewed potential handouts for Little Town Meeting and Town Meeting:  
a.      the Conservation Commission memo on the Beaver situation
b.      the Shoestrap Road rebuild options memo and Academy Building parking lot diagram
c.      The Building Committee’s proposal
d.      Others by Petitioners?
13.     The Board reviewed the Warrant for Little Town Meeting (next Tuesday, March 6th, at 7 pm at the school).
14.     The Transfer Station licensing application has been received.  The Board will begin work on that issue after Town Meeting.
The meeting recessed at 9:20 am to the Highway garage.  The Board presented the highway crew with their letters of commendation.
The meeting adjourned at 9:40 am.
Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman