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Selectboard Minutes 2007/02/07
Minutes – February 7, 2007
1.      The Board of Selectmen met for its regularly scheduled meeting at 8:00 am in the Fire Station Training Room.  The following attended the entire meeting:  Carole Bont, Pauline Field, Dick Jones and Charles Ragan.  The following attended parts of the meeting: Elise Garrity, Patty Jenks, Fred Stearns and Mike Woodard.
2.      Fred came in for his regular meeting with the Board.  He reported that, as long as the weather permitted, the highway crew would be cutting brush.
3.      The following administrative actions were taken:
a.      The minutes of the public session, public hearing and three non-public sessions of 31 January were approved with minor changes.
b.      The following “intents to cut” were approved:
i.      Michael Whitman and Lynn McCrae map 409 lot 29
ii.     Scott Steffey   map 409 lot 99
iii.    William and Joan Clark  map 414 lot 19
iv.     William Clark (trustee) map 414 lot 11.1100
c.      The application for current use for the Purcell property (map 401 lot 15) was approved.
d.      The Board reviewed and approved the updates of approximately 30 veteran tax credit applications/approvals.
4.      The Board discussed the need for a written “complaint policy” and the advice received on it from Town Consul.  Dick moved and Charles seconded a motion to rescind the written complaint policy.  The motion carried.
5.      Mike and Patty came in to discuss the Town Offices Building Committee’s Tuesday meeting, bond warrant article and alternatives if the bond fails to pass at Town Meeting.  An open and often lively discussion follow and resulted in the following conclusions:
a.      The bond article should remain on the warrant with a change in the notes to say that the Town Offices Building Committee recommended “passing over” the article.
b.      Mike and Carole will continue to gather information on the availability and costs of moving into and renting office space in the former Green Mountain Studios building.
c.      Carole will continue to gather information on the costs and options of renting temporary office space (trailers) including costs for set-up, rent, moving, etc.
6.       The meeting adjourned at 9:45.
R. G. Jones
recorder, pro tem