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Selectboard Minutes 2007/01/31 (Public Hearing)
Lyme Board of Selectmen
January 31, 2007
Lyme School Cafeteria
Board of Selectmen: Judy Brotman, Dick Jones, Charles Ragan
Budget Committee: Barney Brannen, Dave Caffrey, Elizabeth Glenshaw, Josh Kilham, Wayne Tullar, Jeff Lehmann, Gibb Cornwell
Building Committee: Pete Bleyler, Don Metz, Mike Woodard, Carole Bont, Tish Smith, Jane Fant, Patty Jenks, Geoff Thornton
Members of the Public: Don Elder, Julia Elder, Nancy Allison, Blake Allison, Barbara Woodard, Russell Balch, Charles Balch, Richard Drew, Delores Drew, Ellen Barrett, John Barrett, Joanne Sohrweide, Bob Sohrweide, Simon Carr, Prudence Fisher, Tim Fisher, Jackie Glass, Russell Estes, Jessie Seaman, Peter McGowan, Cynthia Bognolo, Elise Garrity, Pauline Field, Chief of Police, Linda Goodrich, Bob Barnum, Violet Wilmott, Jason Reeves, Dorothy Sears, Margaret Miller, Judy Russell, Beverly Wakely, Jim Farris,  James Graham, Paul Klee, Marya Klee, Denise Frawley, Tom Frawley, Earl Strout, Bob Coyle, Peggy Little, Jonathan Sachs, LuAnne Conroy, Sue Ryan, Tony Ryan, Harry Glass, Bill Waste, Christine Brown, Stuart Lopez, Elizabeth Lopez, Matthew Brown, Joe Longacre, Margo Longacre, Don Dwight, Nancy Dwight, Steve Campbell, Betsy McCann, William Reeves, Margo Maddock, Steve Maddock, Carola Lea, John Beesley, Dina Cutting, Bill LaBombard, Dan Bailey, Peter Mulvihill, Jim Jenks, Shaun O’Keefe, Howard Southworth, Morton R.  Bailey, Kathy Larson,  Lee Larson, Betty Lee, Dave Hewitt, William Lewis, Jim Poage, Hoyt Alverson, Denis Keleman, Joanne Keleman,  Morton F.  Bailey, Sarah Foster, Jeannie McIntyre, Christopher Jackson, Frank Gould, Michael Hinsley, Nancy Grandine, Fran Lee, Bob Lee, Kathleen Henriques, Andrea Colgan, Martha Smith, Tim Estes
Judy Brotman called the hearing to order at 7:05 PM, introducing Pete Bleyler, Chairman of the Building Committee who presented detailed explanations of the proposed project on the Upper Valley Land Trust site on Dartmouth College Highway.  Included in his presentation were explanations of why other properties had not been chosen and referred to detailed drawings and site plans drawn up by Geoff Thornton and Frank Bowles.
Pete Bleyler fielded many questions and comments from members of the public including:
Peter McGowan: Had operating costs been considered and projected? Pete Bleyler: Not at this time.
Blake Allison: Do the projected figures include fuel and maintenance costs? Pete Bleyler: No they do not.
Jim Poage: What were the costs associated with the Tuckaway Timber site? Pete Bleyler: Approximately $900,000 plus costs for legal, professional and site work.
Rusty Estes: Who were estimates received from? Geoff Thornton: Trumbull Nelson Rusty Estes: Why? Geoff Thornton: Because to acquire estimates from in-town contractors at this time would present a conflict of interest under these circumstances.  Rusty Estes: There would be help for this from contractors in town, which might help with the costs of this project.
Dorothy Sears: Remains concerned about traffic flow on Route 10.
Pete Mulvihill: Curious about Nichols Hardware.  Has this been researched for this project? Pete Bleyler: Yes, extensively.  To retrofit and renovate is felt to be cost prohibitive.
Rusty Estes: Why is the town able to build on the UVLT site, while previous owners were unable to? Mike Woodard: Because previous owner was building an industrial project which at the time was not allowed according to planning/zoning.
Morton R.  Bailey: Attested that the UVLT property is very wet, having been the site contractor who did the work there when the industrial project was being planned.  He felt it was a very limited site.  Furthermore, having done the site work at the Tuckaway Timber site he felt it was a much better site to work with as much of what was necessary (parking, septic, foundation) already in place.  He suggested that this site be revisited.
Rusty Estes: Suggested that the town consider paying the necessary difference in price asked by the Mathers’ for Tuckaway Timber to assure this better building site.  Geoff Thornton: Responded to Morton Bailey’s comments about the wet soils, noting that in the 30+ years he’s been in residence in this area he has never noted any wetland vegetation indicating wet soils in the UVLT site.  Morton F.  Bailey: Asked if there was really a need for this project at all.  Is it really necessary to provide and expend for 50 years in the future.  Pete Bleyler: Yes, there is a need.  Safety, space and air quality in the current town and police offices all remain a significant concern.  As for projecting for 50 years, it is important to plan ahead knowing that prices will not get cheaper and one way or another something has to happen.
Bob Coyle: He has been in discussion with the Nichols family, who, since the recent traumatic events in their family, has reconsidered what they might be doing with the hardware building.  Bob is thinking it might be possible to condominiumize the building and is hoping to use approximately 3500 square feet of the downstairs space, leaving the rear areas and upper levels available for leasing out.  He wonders if the town would consider working together with him to fill the space for town needs.  Dick Jones: Responding to Bob’s offer: This offer should be looked at and a cost analysis done for it.
Jason Reeves: Wondering if the expansion will create a need for additional personnel and if so if costs associated with this have been projected.  Pete Bleyer: The building committee was established to determine need and find adequate, economical space for an upgraded municipal building.  Associated costs are not something they are prepared to determine at this time.
James Graham: Has further consideration been given to the town library/school merger, freeing up the library for town use? Tish Smith: The project was investigated and Geoff Thornton and Frank Bowles looked at the school site to see if expansion for this was feasible.  After considerable review it was determined that this option was both costly and potentially contentious, so was tabled from further consideration at this time.
Kathy Larson: Asked for committee to determine ownership of library building before committing further time to this option.
Steve Campbell: Did he understand correctly that test pits had not been done on the UVLT site? Mike Woodard: Yes.  To keep costs associated with search to a minimum and in keeping with fiduciary responsibility it was determined that it was not necessary to go to this expense yet.  
Dorothy Sears: Why is the police office a concern? They already have an office in the Fire House.  Pete Bleyler: The police office has numerous issues that need to be dealt with immediately.  Carbon monoxide levels are dangerously high and office space is much to small.  There is no room for evidence to be secure and no place for any kind of confidential discussion.
Chris Jackson: Confirming: The UVLT property will be sold if the town elects not to purchase at this time? Jeannie McIntyre: Yes.
Don Elder: Remembers years ago there was a barn on the UVLT site.  He doesn’t remember that it was that wet.  Matt Brown: Given that his mother’s property is directly across the road, his family is very interested in this proposal.
Tim Fisher: Was the existing Fire House site looked at for expansion? Pete Bleyler: Yes.
Barbara Woodard: Thanked the committee for a long year of hard work trying to sort this out.  She would prefer to see the municipal offices closer to the village.
Bill Waste: Wondered if he could get a better sense of what the space issues were.  Also hopes to gain a better sense of how the committee decided on what was needed for additional space.  Geoff Thornton responded to Bill’s inquiry explaining process of information gathering from town staff and described the proposed site plan.
Judy Brotman thanked the public for valuable comments and questions and adjourned this Public Hearing at 8:30 PM
Patty Jenks, recorder