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Selectboard Minutes 2007/01/24
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes – 24 January 2007
1.      The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen convened at 8:00 AM in the fire station’s training room.  Carole Bont, Pauline Field, Dick Jones and Charles Ragan attended the entire meeting.  Dina Cutting, Fred Stearns and Peter Tausanovich attended parts of the meeting.
2.      Fred came in to discuss highway issues.  Dick reviewed the issues raised last week during the Board’s meeting with the highway workers.  Fred mentioned that the 8th grade class has requested to have a bake sale at the highway garage when the transfer station is open.  Upon discussing this, the Board decided that they should hold their sale at the fire station as there are traffic and safety issues, as well as an existing policy of prohibiting sales, at the transfer station.
3.      The air quality / carbon monoxide situation in the fire station was discussed.  A high level CO alarm has been installed in the training room as well as the police offices.  The Fire Chief had prepared a list of projects with a total cost of $4,730.  After some discussion, the Board decided that a new exterior type steel door with weather stripping should be installed between the garage and office areas as soon as practical.  Other suggested improvements should wait for funds to become available.  In the mean time, it was stressed that education of volunteer firefighters must continue on measures they must take to reduce CO emissions in the building.
4.      Dina came in to discuss the 2007 budget.  Dick raised several questions following his review of her spreadsheets.  He pointed out that as currently proposed, no funds are requested from the “Town Buildings Major Maintenance and Repair Fund”.  With several major repairs know associated with the air quality in both the fire station and Town Offices, he moved that the Board recommend the appropriation of $15,000 be included in the 2007 budget.  The motion carried.
5.      The commitment letter with Devine and Millimet to serve as bond consul was approved and signed.
6.      The Board approved raising the mileage reimbursement rate to $0.485, in accordance with the IRS rate for business travel, effective today.
7.      Peter came in to discuss an extension of his building permit.  Dick said that he should see the Zoning Administrator as the Board does not have the authority to issue building permits.
8.      The following administrative actions were taken:
a.      the 17 January public and non-public minutes were approved with minor edits;
b.      the proposed Selectmen’s Annual Report was reviewed;
c.      the appointment form for Walter Swift to the ZBA for a 3-year term (Planning Board appointment) was signed;
d.      William Corrette’s application of a veteran’s tax credit was approved;
e.      David Roby’s “intent to cut” on map 410 lot 13.2 was approved;
f.      Nigel and Ayodele’s application for current use (update) was approved, and
g.      the manifest was approved.
9.      The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:30.
R. G. Jones