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Selectboard Minutes 2007/01/10
Draft:  January 10, 2007
Approved:  January 17, 2007

January 10, 2007

Present:  Carole Bont, Judy Brotman, Dick Jones, Charles Ragan, Fred Stearns, Bill LaBombard, Judy Russell, Betsy Eaton, and Shaun O’Keefe.

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Selectmen was opened at 7:00 am in the Fire Station training room.

1.      The Board met with Fred Stearns for the regular bi-weekly appointment.
a.      The Board asked Fred to consider plowing the school yard next year (request of School).  Fred felt that he would be willing to try this next year – one of the small trucks could take a swing through the now-paved lot more easily than before.
b.      Judy asked Fred if the Library made a similar request would he be willing to try that yard as well.  This question led to discussion about other Town areas that could be “secondary” areas that the highway department could keep open during the winter – boat landing, Academy Building, Fire station, Library/Town offices lot, town forest parking area, transfer station area, etc..  Fred felt that they should try it next year.
c.      Dick updated Fred on the Shoestrap Road situation and gave Fred a copy of a draft of the Warrant Article note that will be presented at Town Meeting (giving three options and costs for repair/closure of the road).
d.      Fred asked that the Board have another meeting with the highway workers.  The Board set this meeting for next week at 8 am.
e.      The Board will contact the Fire Chief to get the previously approved radios delivered to the highway department.
f.      Charles advised Fred and the Board about the escalating cost of heavy equipment – especially the grader – when a replacement is scheduled.  It is going up at about 7% a year.  He said that the dealers are recommending that Lyme “use up” the present grader before looking to purchase a new grader, given that the trade in on used equipment is minimal right now.
2.      The Board approved the public session Minutes of January 3, 2007.
3.      The Board approved the non-public session Minutes of January 3, 2007 – (2 sets).
4.      The Board discussed a request to approve ice cutting on Post Pond.  The Board felt that the Town cannot be held responsible for an liability for this event and therefore declines to “approve” the request.  It appears that the request will b e on private property (Loch Lyme Lodge) and therefore it does not need Board approval.  When on the Pond or State property (the boat launch), the participants are at their own risk.
5.      The Board postponed review of the Town’s complaint policy to next week.  The Administrative Assistant will ask Vicki Davis to draft an update to  the present policy.  The Board and Vicki will discuss the revised draft at next week’s meeting.
6.      The Board approved hiring Wayne Bonhag of Bonhag Associates to review the “air” problem at the Town Offices.  Additional cost estimates and details of possible solutions should be developed and provided to the Board for further consideration.
7.      The Board reviewed Transfer Station issues, especially concerning the difficult start-up of the new compactor.  
a.      Charles will be at the collection point for the next few Sundays to help with getting the operation running smoothly and seeing that the area is kept clean and free of debris.
b.      A complaint was lodged against a worker for yelling at one of the people using the paper recycling bin.  That individual was not a regular attendant.
c.      The motor/hydraulics running the compactor needs to be either repaired or upgraded so that it compresses the garbage more quickly allowing both sides of the compactor to be used for collection.
d.      Additional employees need to be hired to help with the operation  as well as being open for a second collection time during the week.
8.      Judy Russell (Library Trustee) and Betsy Eaton (Librarian) came in to discuss library budget issues.  Dick advised them that at this point in the budget cycle, the Selectmen would not be changing their recommended budget for the library.  Judy Russell explained that the Trustees had made some additional cuts to their proposed staffing hours for the Town portion of the library's operations and that the new part-time position would be funded directly within the School budget.  The Town would be receiving less monies from the school for "school library services" but would still be receiving some support from the school tax.  A discussion followed on how to best present the net effect of the library/school proposal for library services to the budget committee (and tax payers) which as presently proposed would increase the tax payer costs (between the School and Town taxes) by $10,000.

9.      Shaun O'Keefe (police officer) came in to discuss complaints about a locked "gate" across the Class VI section of the former route of Baker Hill Road.  The property owner had told one hunter he could not use the Class VI road to haul out a deer and a second person had also complained about the locked "gate".  Dick said that he had not yet contacted the property owner to remove the lock, and it was felt by all present that an informal approach would be ineffective.  Carole suggested that the Town attorney send a letter to the property owner informing that under state law the locked "gate" was not permitted and that it should be removed by a specified date or the Town would remove it.  The Board concurred in her suggestion.

The meeting adjourned at 9:50 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman
With assistance from Dick Jones