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Selectboard Minutes 2007/01/17
Draft:  January 17, 2007
Approved:  January 24, 2007

January 17, 2007

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Selectmen was opened at 8:00 am in the Fire Station Training Room.  
Present:  Carole Bont, Richard Jones, Charles Ragan, Judy Brotman, Mark Hewes, Russell Stearns, Scott Bailey, Steve Bailey, Dina Cutting, Pauline Field, Pete Bleyler, Jeanie McIntyre.
1.      The Board met with the Highway Department employees.  
a.      The present method of calculating overtime hours was discussed.  The Board of Selectmen will be reviewing the present system, the Personnel Policy and State and Federal law to see if we are following correct procedures.  In the interim, the present system will be continued.
b.      The Board went into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II (a or c) by unanimous roll call vote.  
c.      The Board returned to public session, having voted to seal the non-public session minutes.
2.      The Board met with Pete Bleyler, chairman of the Lyme Town Offices Committee and Jeanie McIntyre, Executive Director of the Upper Valley Land Trust
a.      The Board reviewed and approved the proposed changes to the Purchase & Sale offer for the UVLT land, including
i.      The Open Space on the southern portion of the lot
ii.     The trail head & appropriate signage for the trail
iii.    Parking spaces for use by people accessing the trail
iv.     The extinguishment of the right-of-way
b.      The Board reviewed the Budget Committee presentation of the options and choices made.
3.      The Board approved the Minutes of January 10th .
4.      The Board signed the Manifest.
5.      The Board voted to send a letter to the Trustees of the Trust Funds to instruct them to release the 12/31/05 Trustees Report to the appropriate officials – as previously requested.
6.      The Board nominated Brian Rich to be a Forest Fire Warden.
7.      The Board reviewed 6 Tax Abatement requests and followed the recommendations of the Town’s Tax Assessor. [5 approved, 1 denied]
8.      The Board voted to support the proposed, revised, reduced Library budget.
9.      The Board voted to recommend the Town Highway department plow the school yard and the Library/Town office yard next year.
10.     The Board voted to recommend that there be no school contribution to the library (offsetting income).
11.     The Board recommend that $12,000 be added to the Transfer Station budget for wages, to cover the additional cost of added hours for the second open day.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:10 am.
Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman

Next week (1/31)
–   regularly scheduled meeting with Fred
-       review complaint policy with Vicki Davis
-       review overtime policy with Dina
-       review confidential letter with Dina