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Selectboard Minutes 2006/05/17
                                                                               May 17, 2006
Present:  Judy Brotman, Dick Jones, Charles Ragan, Dina Cutting, Carole Bont, Pauline Field, Shawn O’Keefe, Fred Stearns.
Action Items / Administrative Matters:
1.      Fred Stearns stopped by the meeting to ask if one of the Selectmen would go with him to see Shoestrap Road where there has been a washout.  Both Dick and Charles went (Dick went with Fred and Charles went separately.)  It was concluded that Miller Construction will be called in to consult with Fred on the engineering required to stabilize the area and make a proposal for the required work.  The Board will ask Dina to provide the Board with an update on the amount of money in the Emergency Highway Repair Fund.   Pauline was asked to check the road for safety for travel or advise if a road closure is required.  It appears that one lane is providing safe travel at this time.
2.      The Board voted to approve the Prouty “Sag Stop” on the common from 6 am-3pm for July 8th  with parking for 5 vehicles.
3.      The Board approved the manifest.
4.      The Board approved the minutes of May 10th.   
5.      The Board appointed David Kotz to the Connecticut River Joint Commission as Lyme’s representative.  
6.      The Board signed the grant application for the previously approved NH Safety Agency grant application.   There is no matching portion required of the Town for these grants.
7.      The Board is going to postpone for one week the meeting with the Transfer Station attendants to Sunday, May 28th at 11:15 am (from this Sunday).  The Board will ask Carole to notify the attendants.
8.      The Memorial Day Parade is this Sunday – at 11 am.  Since Dick will be in town he is unanimously voted to give the “welcome” speech.
9.      The Board received to reports of littering on Town roads.  These instances will be referred to the Police for follow-up and possible enforcement.  
10.     The Board discussed the difference between the Town’s Personnel Policy and the policy used by the Library.
a.      The Board strongly urges the Library Trustees to consider adopting the same pay and benefit rules that the Town has that are included in the Personnel Policies.
b.      Dina will be charged with tracing only one set of polices – the Town’s.  If the Library is not able to mirror the Town’s, then the library will need to do their own tracking and report only the pay amount to Dina for weekly payroll processing.
11.     The Board reviewed the final revision of the Personnel Policies, with no initial changes.
a.       Dick would like to ‘bold’ print the introduction sentence.  Agreed.
b.      Dick would like to discuss Section 6.5 concerning the holiday pay, and employees being called in to work on holidays:
i.      The Board decided that the policy would apply to all town approved holidays;
ii.     The Board decided that the employee would receive twice their  regular rate of pay for all work required by their department heads or the Board of Selectmen on holidays;
iii.    The Board decided that the “double time” pay for work on a holiday shall be in lieu of (not in addition to) the “regular time” pay they would otherwise receive on a holiday; and
iv.     The Board decided that the employee would receive minimum of  4 hours pay if required to work on a holiday.  
v.      The Personnel Policy will read:
“… he or she shall be paid at twice his or her regular rate for the hours worked on the holiday.  Employees required to work on a holiday shall be paid for a minimum of 4 hours.”
c.      Dick Jones moved to reconfirm the vote to accept the policy as previously voted, with the changes discussed above.  Charles Ragan seconded the motion.  The Motion passed unanimously.
12.     In other matters, the Board voted unanimously that the Transfer Station will be closed on all legal holidays.  (Dina will be asked to make a sign to be posted at the Transfer Station.)  
13.     The Board would also like to thank Dina and the volunteer efforts of her son and nephew for rescuing the runaway docks and securing the others.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 am
Respectfully submitted,  Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman