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Selectboard Minutes 2006/11/29a
DRAFT:  November 29, 2006
APPROVED:  December 6, 2006

November 29, 2006

The Board of Selectmen’s regularly scheduled meeting opened at 8 am at the Fire Station training room.

Present:  Judy Brotman, Dick Jones, Charles Ragan, Carole Bont, Fred Stearns, Pauline Field.

1.      The Board met with Fred at the regularly scheduled bi-monthly meeting.  
a.      The pad for the compactor has been cleared and is ready for the compactor installation.  Fred recommends that it be located on the center of the pad so that the vehicles can form a line on either side of the compactor.  Chief Field concurred.  
b.      Fred also felt that burying the electric line will be problematic given the amount of other utilities that are already underground in that area.  The Board concurred, and instructed Charles to speak with Cole Electric about utilizing overhead power.  
c.      Fred will install an orange construction fence along both sides of the pad to delineate the edge.  
d.      Fred also reported water running onto Goose Pond Road and Route 10.  Chief Field will follow up with the Zoning Administrator, the Health Officer and the Sate Highway department, as necessary.
2.      The Board approved the non-public session minutes of November 22, 2006.
3.      The Board approved R. Houser’s request for Veteran’s Tax Exemption, Tax Map 409, lot 98.
4.      The Board approved the Land Use Change Tax assessment  for J.Mudge, 25 Lamphere Hill Lane, Tax Map 403/L29.
5.      The Board approved the police policy on procedures for citizens’ complaints.
6.      The Board discussed various Transfer Station issues that had  been referred to them by the Transfer Station Committee at previous meetings and email correspondence, including:
a.      Staffing and the need to hire additional workers,
b.      Additional operational “open” hours/days,
c.       Installation and operation of the packer.
7.      The Board discussed two requests for tax abatements:
a.      K. Jenks’ request requires more information before a decision can be made;
b.      Hathaway request to reinstate a Veterans tax credit was granted.  Mrs. Hathaway’s life estate qualifies her to continue to receive the benefit of her husband’s service.
8.      The Board voted by unanimous roll call vote to go into Non-Public Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (c), information which if made public would damage the reputation of the individual to discuss a request for Hardship Abatement (continued discussion).  
a.      The Board continued discussion of the Hardship request and reviewed the additional information that had been supplied.
b.      The Board voted to grant an abatement of taxes equal to the amount of deduction that would be granted under the Elderly Exemption providing that the applicant qualified for that exemption.
9.      The Board voted to recess the meeting to 7 pm, at which time they will continue budget discussions.
Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman