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Selectboard Minutes 2006/11/08
Draft:  November 8, 2006
Approved:  November 15, 2006

November 8, 2006
Present:  Fred Stearns, Carole Bont, Judy Brotman, Richard Jones, Charles Ragan.
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Selectmen opened at 8:00 am at the Fire Station.

1.      The Board met with Fred Stearns, who presented an update on the status of the highway projects.
a.       The Goose Pond project is just over the budgeted amount by about $1000.  
b.      Russell will begin to use the grander on a more regular basis so that he can become a regular grader operator.  
c.      Fred will be on vacation over the Thanksgiving holiday, and will advise dispatch to call Russell Stearns if they need anything in Fred’s absence.
d.      The Board will meet with Fred again on November 29th at 8 am
2.      The Board voted by unanimous roll call vote to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) and (c) for discussion of employee matters and matters which if discussed in public could affect the reputation of an individual.
3.      The Board returned to public session having voted unanimously:
a.      to return Fred to full duty status, and
b.      to seal the minutes from public inspection.
4.      The Board approved the November 1, 2006 public session minutes.
5.      The Board approved the November 1, 2006 non-public session minutes (both sets).
6.      The Board approved the manifest.
7.      The Board approved the Tax Abatement for:
a.       Marsh, M409/L44, for $2,412.45.
8.      The Board approved the LGC contract for benefits for 2007.
9.      The Board signed the Radar Grant application.
10.     The Board voted by unanimous roll call vote to go into Non-Public Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) the dismissal, promotion or compensation or disciplining of any public employee.
11.     The Board returned to public session having voted unanimously:
b.      To dismiss a probationary employee for unsatisfactory performance of duties;  and
c.      To issue a final warning to an employee that employment will be terminated if inappropriate actions continue;  and
d.      To seal the non-public session minutes.
12.     The Board agreed that they needed more time to review the Emergency Preparedness Plan.  Review of the plan will be delayed by several weeks while the Board prepared the proposed budget for next year.  The Board asked that Carole advise Town Counsel to put off further work on the draft at this time.
13.     The Board voted by unanimous roll call vote to go into Non-Public Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) to discuss matters having to do with compensation of public employees.
14.     The Board returned to public session having made no final decisions, but having discussed employee compensation and hours worked.
At 9:45 am the meeting recessed to 11 am on Sunday, November 12, at the highway garage.
Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman