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Selectboard Minutes 2006/10/25
Draft:  October 25, 2006
Approved:  November 1, 2006

October 25, 2006
Present:  Judy Brotman, Dick Jones, Charles Ragan, Carole Bont, Fred Stearns, Pauline Field, Chris Schonenberger and Sally Ramsden.
The meeting opened at 7 am.
1.      The Board met with Fred for a regular bi-monthly update on the status of ongoing projects at the highway department.  In addition to discussion the ongoing projects, the Board approved re-keying the office door.  The Board also approved reimbursement for Fred’s use of his personal truck for Town business at the IRS reimbursement rate, less $.15 per mile for town-provided gas.  
2.      The Board voted by unanimous roll call vote to go into non-public sessions -  under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) and (c) for discussion of personnel matters and matters which if discussed in public could affect the reputation of an individual.
3.      The Board returned to public session, having voted by unanimous roll call voted to seal the minutes.
4.      The Board met with Chris Schonenberger and Sally Ramsden.   Dick Jones moved that the Board go into Non-Public Session under 91-A:3 II © for discussion of matters which could adversely affect the reputation of an individual.  Charles seconded the motion.  The Board voted unanimously by roll call vote to go into Non-Public Session.  
5.      The Board returned to public session with no decisions having been made.
6.      The Board signed a request for rehearing of the recent ZBA decision on the O’Keefe property so that corrections can be made to the calculations concerning that decision.
7.      The Board approved the public session minutes of October 18, 2006 – two sets, and the Non-Public session minutes of October 18, 2006.
8.      The manifest will be signed later in the day at the office.
9.      A physical therapy invoice was presented for payment.  The Board will charge the invoice to the Executive budget under employee physicals.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman