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Selectboard Minutes 2006/09/28

Draft:  September 28, 2006
Approved:  October 4, 2006

September 28, 2006
Present:  Judy Brotman, Dick Jones, Charles Ragan, Russell Stearns, Bill LaBombard, Mark Hewes, Scott Bailey.
The continued meeting of the regularly scheduled Board of Selectmen reconvened at 7:00 am in the Fire Station meeting room.
1)      The Board met with the highway department crew to discuss several operational issues.
2)      While the Road Agent is out, time cards will be approved by Judy as Chair of the Board of Selectmen.
3)      Bill LaBombard will be approving and signing the highway department bills – with Dina keeping track of the budget!
4)      The Board of Selectmen will act as the contact person for any out of the ordinary or operational questions.
5)      Dina will be asked to change the answering machine message at the highway garage to refer folks to the Selectmen’s office, unless it is an emergency, in which case they should call dispatch.
6)      The Board is also going to be advertising for and hopefully hiring an additional highway worker.  Because the part-time position has been unfilled for over a year, the Board will advertise for a full-time employee.  This will be a half-FTE over the current approved compliment of highway department personnel.  
7)      Judy will contact the Chairman of the Budget committee to explain the circumstances of the expansion of this position.
8)      The Crew updated the Board on the status of the Goose Pond Road project.  
a)      The paving of the road will be postponed until next year so that the gravel and stone can “cure” over the winter.  Pike should be scheduled now for next year so that Lyme is on their priority list.
b)      The area of ledge near Pico Road will be blasted out so that under-drains can be laid.
c)      The 5 or more culverts needing replacement will be done this fall.  Bill will order culverts.  
9)      Spot grading should be done this fall in places where it is necessary.  If necessary, we should hire a grader operator to complete this work this fall.
10)     Roadside mowing will be put off again this year.
11)     Sand will be ordered, and will be hauled in by a contract trucker, so that the highway crew can concentrate on other road priorities.
12)     The grader should go for maintenance as soon as the fall grading is done.
13)     The Board asked the crew to take any vacation possible this fall before the winter weather sets in.  The Board will authorize the carry over to next year of any unused vacation.
14)     The Board reviewed the CLD proposed contract for survey work for Shoestrap Road.
a)      The Board voted to ask CLD to revise their option #2 (down scale the objectives and tasks from the original list) and to have Town Counsel recommendations made a part of the contract.  
b)      Pending CLD’s agreement with these suggestions, the Board approved a single contract with CLD for the work.
15)     The Board would like to continue to meet with the entire highway department and road agent at 7 am on Wednesdays as a part of the regularly scheduled Selectmen’s meeting.  
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman