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Selectboard Minutes 2006/09/27

Draft:  September 27, 2006
Approved:  October 4, 2006

September 27, 2006
Present:  Judy Brotman, Dick Jones, Charles Ragan, Carole Bont, Dina Cutting, Patty Jenks, Pauline Field, Ed Gray.
Action Items / Administrative Matters:
1.      Ed Gray met with the Board to discuss the Ct. River “clean up” day this Saturday.  The Board voted to allow the clean-up trash to be brought to the Transfer Station “fee free” without being in Town of Lyme bags.  Charles Ragan and James Graham will coordinate the delivery of the trash to the Transfer Station.
2.      The Board voted unanimously to amend the charge of the town Offices Committee from 11 members to 13 members.  The Board then appointed Frank Bowles to the committee.
3.      Staff discussed alternatives and additions to the present limited availability of the trash bags.  One option may be to ask the post office and the library to carry and sell the bags.  Rich’s Insurance Agency may be another location.  Another option may be to have stickers available in place of the trash bags.  Stickers could be mailed out to individuals in a similar manner that car registrations are mailed out.
4.      The Board advised Carole and Dina that requests to use the Academy Building, the Town Forest and Parking on the Green should be approved by Chief Field and Town Staff (Carole and/or Dina).  The Board will only interfere if the staff feels there is an issue that requires Board intervention.
5.      The Board approved the public session minutes of September 20, 2006 and the non-public session minutes of September 20, 2006.
6.      The Board signed the manifest.
7.      Dina gave the Board an update on the FEMA funds, a portion of which could be used for an engineering study.
8.      The Board briefly discussed the proposed CLD “Scope of Work” contract – and agreed to postpone the decision to tomorrow morning.
9.      Dina updated the Board on the outstanding balance due from LCS for Trash Bags.  She will continue to send an invoice monthly.
10.     The Board voted by unanimous roll call vote to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) and (c) for discussion of a personnel issue and matters which might affect the reputation of an individual.
11.     The Board returned to public session having voted by unanimous roll call vote to seal the minutes of the non-public session.
The meeting recessed to 7 am tomorrow morning (Thursday, September 28th ) at the fire station.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman