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Selectboard Minutes 2006/09/20

Draft:  September 20, 2006
Approved:  September 27, 2006

September 20, 2006
Action Items / Administrative Matters:
1.      The Board approved the public session minutes of September 13, 2006.
2.      The Board approved the non-public session minutes of September 13, 2006.
3.      The Board approved the manifest.
4.      The Board approved the Parking Permit for Lyme Church Health Ministry and Grafton County Sr. Citizens, October 28th, 8-12, 20+ vehicles.  This may be a conflict with the school’s Pumpkin Festival, which will have to be worked out between the Church and the School.
5.      The Board signed a duplicate copy of the  UVLSRPC road maps/survey for the office file.
6.      The Board reviewed the pre-employment physical for Catherine Pixley.  The Board agreed to waive the 70 pound weight limit for lifting for Catherine and substitute 50 pounds as a weight limit for her.  The Board reviewed the employment application of Catherine Pixley, and voted to waive the high school graduation requirement.  The Board voted unanimously to hire Catherine Pixley as a Transfer Station attendant, conditioned upon her being a probationary employee, limited to six months, in which time she must successfully complete the required transfer station attendant certification course.  
7.      The Board voted to take $3,535.61 out of the Emergency Highway Fund for the repairs for the highway truck at Sabil & Sons.
8.      The Board met with Chris Clapp to discuss a possible easement on a property he is considering purchasing.  Dick discussed the procedures the Town used to evaluate potential conservation easement donations and gave him a copy of the Conservation Commission’s evaluation check list.  The Board suggested he draft up a specific easement and then return to the Board to discuss the specifics.
9.      The Board wants to clarify that issues requiring DES enforcement should be referred to DES.  Planning & Zoning Administrator Vicki Davis should be notified first, then she can refer to DES for follow-up is necessary.
10.     The Board will have a notice posted to the Town’s official web site notifying folks that Transfer Station trash bags will now be available only at the Town Clerk’s office.
11.     The Board approved some GIS training for Vicki Davis.
12.     Charles updated the Board on the status of the Salt Shed.  The slab for the salt shed and the trash compactor will be poured at the same time.  Following the pouring of the slab, the fund will be reviewed – the salt shed will be built first, and then the trash compactor, if there are sufficient funds.
13.     The Board asked Carole to draft a letter to the School and the Library concerning constructing the cross walk.  It must be done this year.  Chief Field can advise on the proper location and specifics.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 am.  

Respectfully submitted,
Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman