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Selectboard Minutes 2006/08/16
DRAFT:  August 16, 2006
APPROVED:  August 23, 2006

August 16, 2006

Present:  Judy Brotman, Dick Jones, Charles Ragan, Carole Bont, Pauline Field.
Action Items / Administrative Matters:
1.      The Board approved the Public Session Minutes of August 2nd  as corrected.  
2.      The Board approved the Public Session Minutes of August 4th , 8 am and 7:30 pm, as corrected.
3.      The Board approved the Public Session Minutes of 9th  as corrected.
4.      The Board approved the Non-Public Sessions of August 2nd  as corrected.
5.      The Board approved the Non-Public Sessions of August 4th as corrected.
6.      The Board approved the Non-Public Session of August 9th as corrected.
7.      The Board approved the manifest.
8.      The Board discussed options for Shoestrap Road.  The Board agreed to contract the services of an engineer to review options for repair of the road.  Depending on the cost of the repairs, the board may seek to recover some of the cost from FEMA.  At this time, FEMA is not an option.
9.      The Board accepts with regret the resignation of Katie Jenks from the Transfer Station Committee.
10.     The Board voted to send a letter to the Lyme Country Store concerning the overdue charges for the Transfer Station bags.
11.     The Board will arrange a meeting with Al Pryor to discuss several Transfer Station issues.
12.     Dick updated the Board on the status of the UVLSRPC road maps.  
13.     The Board approved the Intent to Cut application for D. Roby, Tax Map 41, Lots 56 and 66.
14.     The Board approved Chief Hinsley’s support of the safety committee’s recommendation to have the fire alarms tested on a regular 3 month schedule.  He is welcome to test the alarms at a time of his choosing, with the approval of the department heads.
15.     The Board approved the appointment of Allan Newton as deputy agent for the pandemic preparedness.
16.     The Board discussed a request to post a mirror at the corner of Gregory and Breck Hill Roads.  On consultation with Chief Field, the Board is advised that a mirror is not an approved safety signal and should not be posted on the public right-of-way.
17.     The Board continued discussions of a potential junkyard action.
18.     Other administrative matters were discussed.
19.     The Board voted by unanimous roll call vote to go into Non-Public Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) and (c), matters having to do with investigation of charges against an employee and matters which could adversely affect the reputation of any person.
20.     The Board returned to public session having voted by unanimous roll call vote to seal the minutes under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) and (c), matters having to do with investigation of charges against an employee and matters which could adversely affect the reputation of any person.
Meeting recessed at 10:05 am to Sunday at 11:30 am at the Transfer Station.
Respectfully Submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman