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Selectboard Minutes 2006/06/07
Town of Lyme Board of Selectmen
June 7, 2006 Minutes
1.      The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen convened at 8:15 AM with the following in attendance: Dick Jones, Charles Ragan and Carole Bont.  The following attended parts of the meeting: Dina Cutting (bookkeeper/Chase Beach director), Bill LaBombard (parks), Shaun O’Keefe (police) and Wally Ragan (emergency management).
2.      Dina came in to discuss several matters:
a.      She reported that the water level of Post Pond is approximately 7” above the “normal mean high water” and is flooding the beach and preventing maintenance of the ball field.  Bill confirmed that he has been unable to mow the area.  She requested permission to lower the beaver dams/water level, in accordance with the Conservation Commission’s “Post Pond Water Level Policy”.  The Board granted her request to act as the Board’s agent.
b.      She presented a proposal for the beach staffing and hours for this summer season.  After reviewing it with her, the Board approved her proposal.
c.      She reported that she is soliciting bids for diesel, gasoline and heating oil from various contractors.  This year the school will also participate in the Town’s contract.
3.      Shaun came in to briefly advise the Board about a potential complaint concerning the police department.
4.      The following administrative matters were discussed and/or actions taken:
a.      The repairs to Shoestrap Road will take about a week and are estimated not to take place for approximately three weeks.  When they are being made, the road will have to be temporarily closed to through traffic.  Flashers, warning stakes and caution tape have been installed to warn motorists of the washouts.
b.      Charles briefly discussed the proposed new salt shed.  Due to the increase in the cost of cement, additional funds are required.  Carole will check with the Town’s attorney to confirm that appropriations from the “public works facilities capital reserve fund” may be reprogrammed from the transfer station compactor project based on the discussion at Town Meeting.
c.      The Board reviewed an application for a “hardship” abatement and agreed to grant an exemption of the 2005 taxes, fees and interest for the Dorchester Road property, but not the other one requested.
d.      Carole requested $825 in additional funding for a staff training program.  The Board agreed that additional funds could not be reprogrammed from other departments, but that the training could only be funded by reprogramming funds within the affected departments’ existing budgets.
5.      Wally came in to request the Board approve and sign a letter requesting changes to the state’s emergency services department’s map and road list.  Dick said that the Town should not “proofread” and correct each state department’s road maps, but only correct the DOT’s official road map saying that he felt other state departments should use this GIS map as needed.  The state had again requested the Town change four road names, a request that had been denied several times in the past, and Dick stated that he would not vote to change these names that had been properly approved by the Board and/or Planning Board as required.  The state’s letter will be reviewed and an appropriate response prepared for future consideration by the Board.
6.      The meting adjourned at 9:50 AM.
Richard G. Jones