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Selectboard Minutes 2006/05/10
Draft:  May 10, 2006
Approved:  May 17, 2006

May 10, 2006
Present:  Judy Brotman, Dick Jones, Charles Ragan, Carole Bont, Dina Cutting, Pauline Field.
Action Items / Administrative Matters:
1.      The Board approved the May 3rd minutes as corrected.
2.      The Board approved the manifest.
3.      The Board asked that Carole assign a staff member to complete the DES Annual Report for Transfer Station.  
4.      Transfer Station items:
a.      Petition - - The Board directed Carole to send a letter to the petitioners, explaining that a meeting was held with the Transfer Station committee and that the committee was directed to look at alternative areas for the placement of the compactor, including putting it inside the existing fenced area.
b.      Personnel issues – - The Board will ask Al, Jed and Steve to meet with the Selectmen on Sunday, May 20th, at 11:15 am, following the closing of the transfer station.  This will be a Non-Public session, following the recessed regular Board meeting on May 17th.
5.      The Board approved the following Yield Tax Warrants:
a.      J. Weinstein, Map 415/L2, $16.16
b.      G & B Tullar, Map 406/L31, $1,016.76
c.      T & K Green, M406/L15, $83.90
d.      R. Hoyt, M407/L97, $548.45
6.      The Board signed the Fireworks Permit for explosives for our July 1st   “Fourth of July”display.
7.      The Board debated the request for a tax abatement by C. Wilmot.  Dick suggested abating the Dorchester Road property but not the River Road farm.  Judy suggested that Ms. Wilmot be asked to fill out the Hardship abatement form before the Board makes a final decision.  Carole will investigate a hardship lien situation as an alternative to the abatement and report back to the Board.  The Board voted to continue the discussion after receipt of additional information.
8.      With regard to the Lamphere Hill Road r-o-w issue, the Board will consult with Town Counsel for advice on an appropriate response.
9.      This year’s Memorial Day Service will be on May 21st at 11 am – Selectman Charles Ragan will officially welcome everyone to Lyme.  The Board approved use of Town facilities for the event.  The School will be used as a backup location for the ceremony if it rains. (Dina will call the school to confirm and reserve the use of the Community Room.)
10.     The Recreation Committee membership is now officially at 5 members.  It should be noted that although 2 members tenure appears to be up, by state law appointments continue until another duly appointed individual takes your place.  The Recreation Committee is in need of some new members!
11.     The Board has received a Natural Resource Inventory grant of $4,500.  Dina will complete the required paperwork (W-9 form) to enable the Town to receive the funds.
12.     The Upper Valley Land Trust Letter is on hold for now, while we review the letter with Town Counsel.
13.     The Board and staff discussed the proposed revisions to the Personnel Policy, making changes as proposed and discussed in November 2005 and April 2006.  Dick Jones moved that the policy be accepted as proposed, with a final proof-reading vote to be taken next week.  Charles Ragan seconded the motion.  The motion was voted unanimously to accept the changes as discussed to the Personnel Policy, subject to a proof-reading vote to be taken next week.  
The meeting adjourned at 9:55 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman