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Selectboard Minutes 2006/04/26
Draft:  April 26, 2006
Approved:  May 3, 2006

April 26, 2006
Present:  Judy Brotman, Dick Jones, Charles Ragan, Carole Bont, Pauline Field, Katie Jenks, Tim Callahan, Cynthia Bognolo, Myra Klee, Todd Bigelow (Bigelow), Stuart Close (Blacktop), Bill Vignault (Pike).
Action Items / Administrative Matters:
1.      Katie Jenks met with Selectmen to discuss the Transfer Station and  packer situation.  
a.      Katie has concerns about the permanent nature of the “temporary” site.  The Selectmen’s minutes of October 27, 2004 shows this to be considered a temporary location.  
b.      She also presented a petition to the Board signed by 33 residents, many of them neighbors, requesting the process slow down, and that there is further investigation of other sites before a final decision is made to install a packer at the highway garage site.  
c.      Carole should check to see that the signatories are registered voters.
d.      Cynthia Bognolo agrees that the neighbors deserve time to consider the proposal.
e.      Currently everything at the site is portable or could be used by the highway department if the transfer station were to relocate.  
f.      The use of the site is certainly increased from what was there before, but it does seem to be working well - - then the gasoline prices went way up, and costs became an issue for the Witcher company.
g.      Dick explained that Witcher’s benefit may not be to the Town’s benefit, even though Witcher has been very good to the Town and provided excellent service.  
h.      Tim Callahan said that he felt that the Transfer Station Committee needs to have better communication with the Town.  At the least the minutes should be on the web site.
i.      We will check to see they the minutes are being put on the Town’s web site.  
j.      A copy of the petition will be attached to the record copy of these minutes, kept at the town office.
2.      The Transfer Station Charge and Other Transfer Station issues will be discussed next week at a joint meeting with the Board of Selectmen and the Transfer Station Committee.
3.      The Selectmen opened three bids in preparation for awarding of the Highway paving contract –
a.      Bigelow, Job #2 – > $53.85/ton laid & rolled
b.      Blaktop, Job #1 (grinding) -> $16,600
Blaktop, Job #2 (paving) -> $52.27/ton
Blaktop, job #3 (hot mix for gen’l use) -> $45/ton
c.      Pike, Job #1 (grinding) –> $16,614
Pike, Job #2 –> $48.48/ton
Pike, Job #3 –> $42/ton
4.      The Selectmen voted to award the bid as follows:  
a.       Job #1 awarded to Blaktop.  Blaktop has until noon on Thursday 4/27 to withdraw if they do not wish to do only job #1.  In which case, Pike will be awarded job #1.
b.       Job #2 and Job #3 awarded to Pike.  
c.      The Board will send a confirmation letter after we know about the status of Job #1.
5.      The Board approved the minutes of April 12 and April 19 as corrected.
6.      The Board approved the following Lyme Common Parking requests:
a.      8th Grade Baccalaureate service, 6/14, 7:30-9 pm
b.      Memorial Service for Irene Gamage, 6/10, 2-3:30 pm
c.      Full Circle Concert – 5/27, 7:30-9 pm
7.      The Board approved the 7th Grade raffle / fund raiser for their trip.
8.      The Board voted unanimously to approve the hiring and appointment of Anthony Swett as a Part Time Police Officer.  
9.      The Board approved the planting of a Tree on the Common by the Lyme Historians.  Bill LaBombard will oversee the location and installation.
10.     The Board discussed the Wakely Barn Tax Abatement / Easement request.  After an item by item review of the criteria, Dick moved that a 45% abatement be granted to the Wakley’s for the preservation of their barn.  Charles seconded the motion.  The Board voted unanimously to grant the 45% exemption/abatement.
11.     The Board approved a Veteran’s Tax Exemption request for E. Garrity.
12.     The Board signed the Reports of Wood Cut for:
a.      Robinson, Map 414/L14  -  $458
b.      Lyme Holdings, Map 412/L3  -  $917.65
13.     The Board approved and signed the First Response Equipment Truck contract.
14.     The new procedure for processing Intents-to-Cut was discussed.  It was agreed that the requests would be reviewed by both Victoria Davis (the Zoning Administrator) and Dina Cutting (the Secretary/Bookkeeper) prior to being presented to the Board for approval and signature.
15.     The Board discussed the proposed Personnel Policy.  Pauline will send some proposed wording changes to Dick for consideration for the Board at their discussion, scheduled for May 10th.
16.     The Board authorized Carole to review and check on the Packet Front contract with Hanover’s Town Manager, who is the lead individual for this project.  If everything is in order, the Board will sign the contract and have the check sent.
17.      The Board reviewed items in the Read File –
a.      The “Fox in Henhouse” seminar should be attended by staff.
b.      The Road Agents Assn annual meeting/rally should also be attended by the whole highway crew .

Meeting Adjourned at 9:45 am.
Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman

Future Events:
1.      Rescheduled meeting with Transfer Station Committee – 5/3 tentatively 8:30 – 9:30 am… may be moved to later.
2.      Personnel Policy discussion and finalization, move from 5/3 meeting to 5/10 meeting.
3.      DOJ – Trustees of Trust Funds meetings – 5/3, 5/18, 6/12 and 6/13
4.      “Fox in Henhouse” seminar – see read file
5.      Road Agents ann’l meeting – see read file