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Selectboard Minutes 2006/04/12
Draft:  April 12, 2006
Approved:  April 26, 2006

April 12, 2006

Attending:  Selectmen Charles Ragan, Dick Jones and Judy Brotman; Administrative Assistant Carole Bont, Assessing Clerk Elise Garrity, Assessor Diana Calder; Jesse Bushaw, DRA.

The Meeting was opened at 8:00 am by Judy Brotman.

1.      The Board met with Jesse Bushaw of the DRA, to discuss the upcoming DRA assessment review.
2.      The Board signed the manifest.
3.      The Board approved the April 5th minutes.
4.      The Board discussed the Safety Committee’s request for action by the Board, and relayed the following decisions:
a.      Volunteer / appointed “positions” are covered under the Town’s insurance as long as the individual is duly appointed and is serving or acting within his or her capacity as a volunteer or committee member.
b.      The quote for evacuations alarms should be forwarded to the Fire Chief and the Police Chief for their review and action – as discussed at the meeting.
c.      The recommendation that the fire alarm systems bed tested once every 90 days seems excessive, but it should be forwarded along to the Fire Chief for his recommendation to the Board.
5.      The Board signed the Vashon, Clunky & Company letter concerning the audit they performed.
6.      The Board briefly discussed the Personnel Policy.
7.      The Board voted to have these minutes reflect that the Lyme Center street lighting is installed in accordance with safe lighting according to the Police Chief and Road Agent, who have both reviewed the installation and confirmed that the locations are correct.
8.      Transfer station operations continue to have difficulties.  The Selectmen will meet with the Committee to discuss these on-going difficulties.
9.      Green-Up day is approaching.  Blue Bags will be approved for collection and will be taken at the packer on Sunday, May 7th only.  Tires will be picked up by pre-arrangement.
10.     The Supervisors of the Checklist will be asked to sit so that new town residents can register and therefore become eligible for appointment to Town boards.

The meeting adjourned at 9:50 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman